The Church News Online

The Church News Online

Tuesday 2 July 2024

ZCC Brings Relief To Chimanimani

 Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) recently distributed WASH Non Food Items(NFIs) in Runyararo settlement in ward 7, Chimanimani district in Manicaland. These include water buckets, soap and binliners. A total of 120 households, 4 schools and 2 health facilities were reached with the support. 

The provision of the NFIs will help to improve hygiene practices, especially hand washing, thus contributing to reducing the spread of water related diseases within the community.



Australian Embassy, Zimbabwe 

Zimbabwe Council of Churches 

Save the Children in Zimbabwe

Fungisai Launches New Album

By Fungisai Zvakavapano Mashavave 

 Good morning. Then I just decided to throw 7 new songs on HUPENYU without a formal launch. I have come to believe good music will find its way into the hearts of people pasina effort. If you are a loyal fan of Fungisaimusic and you believe in lifelong music more than bubblegum music, this link is for you. Find at least one if not all that will speak to you. Lots of love. Like and subscribe. Videos will follow through based on your requests. Thank u. list=OLAK5uy_m2SRBfzPAbckfiRw2qPeSjhQFgNVbpsiI&feature=shared

Monday 1 July 2024

Give Us Our Daily Bread


 *Luke 11:3* _"Give us each day our daily bread,"_

The request for "daily bread" reflects an acknowledgment of our complete dependence on God to provide for our basic, everyday needs. It teaches us not to worry excessively about the future or accumulate unnecessary things, but to trust that God will faithfully supply what we require on a daily basis.

This verse reminds us to cultivate a posture of humility and gratitude, understanding that we are completely reliant on God's provision,Amen.

Saturday 29 June 2024

God Cares For You



*1 Peter 5:7*

_"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."_

The main lesson here is to entrust our worries and anxieties to God, because He deeply cares for us. This verse encourages us  not to try to shoulder our burdens alone, but to hand them over to God, who is able to provide the care, comfort and strength we need.

The lesson is one of faith, surrender and finding rest in God's care. When we choose to give our anxieties to the Lord, we demonstrate trust in His love and ability to sustain us. This can be a powerful source of encouragement in times of difficulty or stress,Amen.

Friday 28 June 2024

Zimbabwe Council of Churches In Social Cohesion Initiative

Zimbabwe Council of Churches 

 Embracing Cultural diversity leads to appreciating one another and upholding one’s dignity despite the gaps that may exist. The process has the potential to foster collaboration, harvest new ideas that may contribute to achieving greater goals together. This is evidenced from the Inter-Religious Community Dialogue we held as ZCC as part of the Humanitarian, Early Recovery and Development (HERD)Program on gender equality and Social cohesion in Gutu ward 16 and Bikita ward 31.  

From the various discussions we had on inclusivity, gender equality, child marriages, stereotypes and misconceptions that exist it was noted that cultural diversity creates a safe place and environment for growth and instead of focusing at the differences that exist; it celebrates them, making community members to be authentically themselves.

In reflection and reminiscence, the Humanitarian, Early Recovery and Development (HERD) Program that was implemented in those wards, contributed significantly in strengthening the community relationships and social bonds. It takes commitment and empowerment and good support systems to reach this level and as ZCC we appreciate the positive change in the communities we serve.  







Church Intensifies Fight Against Drug Abuse

 On this #transformationthursday we continue raising awareness on the effects of drug and substance abuse. Dreams are being shattered and others think there is no recovery from the damage caused by drug and substance abuse but we hope that together we can contribute towards a herald of a new dawn. The number of drug abuse related issues continue to grow enormously and this is evidence enough to invest in prevention.Together, united in love, we can contribute to the betterment of our lives, environment and future.  



Zimbabwe Council of Churches 

Thursday 27 June 2024


Her rival (Peninnah) used to provoke her severely, to irritate her, because the Lord had closed her womb (1 Samuel 1:6).

Hannah was childless in her own eyes and in the eyes of her society but she had children in the eyes of God. She wasn't aware that hers was not a problem but a divine program to give birth to a Nazirite (Samuel) destined to take over from Eli the priest. Peninnah wouldn't hate Hannah for nothing. She was extremely difficult and most provoking at Shiloh, the place of worship than at home. She wanted Hannah to backslide.

Hannah refused to be offended and she continued coming to the place of worship. The place of worship is where we should get comfort and hope. She cried to the Lord at the place of worship. The place where Hannah cried, the place she was receiving endless provocation, the place she was being humiliated and receiving a lesser share was the same place where Samuel was going to serve.

The place where we cry today in sorrow is the place where we will cry with joy tomorrow as long as we refuse to be offended no matter the attacks. 

Furthermore, Hannah was provoked by the Priest who accused her of drunkenness (1 Samuel 1:14). Eli suspected Hannah that she was one of the immoral women with whom his sons Hophni and Pheneas associated with. Under such provocations she remained humble and sober. 

It was Hannah's affliction, and a great affliction it was, added to all the rest, vinegar to the wounds of her Spirit. She had been reproved by Elkannah her husband because she wouldn't eat and drink (1 Samuel 1:8), and now to be reproached by Eli as if she had eaten and drunk. It is not a new thing for those that do well to be ill thought of, and we must not think it strange if at any time it be our portion.

Hannah set a double watch before the door of her lips, and did not return censure for censure. Never return evil with evil. In justice to Eli, she gives an account of her present behavior: "I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit, dejected and  discomposed, and that is the reason I do not look as other congregants, my eyes are red, not with wine, but with weeping. And at this time, I have not been talking to myself, as drunkerds and fools do, but I have been pouring out my soul before the Lord, who hears and understands the language of the heart".

By our meek and humble carriage towards those that reproach us because they do not know us and do not know what we are going through, we may perhaps make them our friends, and turn their censures of us into prayers for us.

To God be the glory 

Rev B Chinhara

Wednesday 26 June 2024

About Men's Mental Health