The Church News Online

The Church News Online

Thursday, 6 March 2025

What Is Lent ?

 Today the Church celebrates Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of 40 days of Lent. 

As we enter this liturgical season, we reflect on Pope Francis' message of Hope. 

Lent is a 40-day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It's a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. 

During Lent, we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture; we serve by giving alms; and we practice self-control through fasting. We are called not only to abstain from luxuries during Lent, but to a true inner conversion of heart as we seek to follow Christ's will more faithfully. We recall the waters of baptism in which we were also baptized into Christ's death, died to sin and evil, and began new life in Christ.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 

Church Continues To Preach Message Of Hope In Despair...

Statement Alert 

Reflecting on 60 years of prophetic witness, the Zimbabwe Council of Churches calls for unity, reconciliation, and a commitment to justice, reaffirming its dedication to fostering peace, justice, and environmental stewardship in Zimbabwe. 

In the face of socio-economic and political challenges, the Church continues to stand as a beacon of hope, advocating for reconciliation, good governance, and the dignity of all.

 Read the full statement here:

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Spiritual Showdown: Prophet Makandiwa's Million-Dollar Dare Sparks Heated Debate

In a bold move, Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa, founder of the United Family International Church (UFIC), has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging fellow prophets, traditional healers, and self-proclaimed spiritual leaders to prove their mettle. The stakes? A whopping US$1 million cash prize for a successful demonstration of their supernatural abilities.

The challenge has ignited a firestorm of responses, with Prophet Passion Java taking center stage. Java has countered Makandiwa's offer with an even more daunting task: healing a person with a mobility impairment. If Makandiwa succeeds, Java has pledged to award him a staggering US$10 million.

The spiritual showdown has set the stage for a dramatic confrontation, with the nation watching with bated breath. Will Makandiwa rise to the challenge, or will Java's bold counteroffer prove too great to overcome? Only time will tell.

Zimbabwe Council of Churches Leads the Charge in Climate Change Adaptation


In a bid to promote climate resilience, the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) is spearheading innovative adaptation strategies through its Scaling Up Resilience Project. Implemented in Gutu and Bikita, the project empowers farmers with climate-smart agriculture techniques to enhance food security, soil health, and water conservation.

A shining example of the project's success is Functure Musha's thriving field. As a first-year farmer, Musha has already reaped the benefits of climate-smart agriculture by planting drought-tolerant crops such as sorghum and pearl millet. This remarkable achievement demonstrates the impact of Conservation Agriculture (CA) principles.

While progress has been notable, the ZCC has identified opportunities to enhance mulching, a key CA principle, to improve soil moisture retention and fertility. This learning curve will further empower enthusiastic farmers like Musha to optimize their farming practices.

The ZCC extends its gratitude to Canadian Foodgrains Bank and The United Church of Canada for their invaluable support in making this project possible. Through collaborative efforts, the ZCC is making a tangible difference in the lives of farmers and communities, promoting climate resilience and a sustainable future.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025




with Tendai Muchena 

One day, I was having a heated conversation with God rather than a series of heated conversations. From the time I woke up, there was something I was saying: "How far?" to God about. I had a whole bag of grccievances, _you know by now I wanted to have achieved this but I haven't, why didn't you make it happen, nhingi owes me money and I want my money, why aren't you making them give me my money, by such a time, I want to have achieved abc, but look at how things are progressing, why? 

Truth be told, I was not in a good mood at all, and you know how it is when you are not getting the answers you want. I decided to shut off from everything else and do what I like doing, watch BBC, and yaaaa I got hit by answers. 

Not the ones to directly answer my questions, but answers carrying a lot of weight. Floods, sicknesses, death, street and school shootings, war. Needless to say, I said a prayer of forgiveness and thanksgiving. 

Many things happening around us can easily divert us from the word of God, understanding His ways and just being grateful for what we have. Yes, sometimes it seems like what we have is the bare minimum, but most times, it's so much more than what others have. It's a blessing. You are not buying the list of groceries you want, but others don't know where their next meal is coming from. You are living in a neighborhood you don't like, but others are homeless. You can't upgrade your phone or car or get your nails, lashes, and hair done on a regular basis, but others are too sick, fighting for their lives, to worry about such. Does it mean God will never answer your prayers. Does it mean He doesn't know what you want? 

As for the donkeys you lost three days ago, do not worry about them; they have been found. And to whom is all the desire of Israel turned, if not to you and your whole family line? 1 Samuel 9:20

God knows. It doesn't matter how long it has been. Don't worry about the year not going according to plan so far. He is sorting it out, and you don't have to be anxious about it. To top it off, He has bigger plans for you. "Hallelujah Jesu makanaka munondigonera. pese...pese...muripo".

 Just sing a song of praise regardless of what you are going through. Thank Him for what you have. 

Tendai Muchena soldiers at Marlborough Corps in Harare West Division. She writes here on her own personal capacity. She can be contacted at

Methodist Church in Zimbabwe Tees Off for Inclusion and Diversity


The Methodist Church in Zimbabwe (MCZ) recently held its annual golf tournament, promoting a message of inclusivity and diversity. The event, which brought together golf enthusiasts and sponsors, aimed to create a safe space for everyone and promote gender equality.

According to MeDRA Zimbabwe, the tournament was a resounding success, thanks to the support of sponsors and golfers who participated. The event highlighted the church's commitment to creating an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.

The MCZ's emphasis on inclusion and diversity is reflected in its hashtags #creatingsafespaceforeveryone, #promotinginclusion, and #towardsgenderequality. By hosting events like the golf tournament, the church demonstrates its dedication to fostering a sense of community and promoting social justice.

The annual golf tournament has become a significant event in the MCZ's calendar, promoting unity and camaraderie among participants. As the church continues to strive for a more inclusive and equitable society, events like this tournament serve as a testament to its commitment to creating positive change.

Monday, 3 March 2025

Spreading God's Love and Joy: Quest Africa Brings Smiles to CURE Hospital Zimbabwe

A team from Quest Africa, Esigodini - Zimbabwe, recently embarked on a mission of compassion and kindness, visiting the CURE Hospital Zimbabwe. This outreach was a beautiful expression of Christ's love and care for the sick and vulnerable.

During their visit, the Quest team had the privilege of touring the facility, engaging with the children, and creating joyful memories together. The experience was truly remarkable for everyone involved.

The team spent quality time with the children, playing games, drawing, and painting on their casts. They also brought excitement and delight with balloons, filling the day with laughter, creativity, and heartfelt connections.

This outreach was not only an opportunity to give back to the community but also a chance to uplift and support the children as they continue their healing journeys. By showing God's love and care, the Quest team brought hope and joy to those who need it most.


2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our welfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

There are multiple spiritual battles in life, and there are many battlefields. One of the major battlefields is the human mind, and the battle begins in our thoughts. The enemy was destroyed on the Cross of Calvary and now he tries to seduce human beings by planting wrong thoughts in their minds and urging them to act in disobedience to God.

Through careful strategy and cunning deceit, Satan attempts to set up, "strongholds" in our minds. A stronghold is a difficult place to penetrate because it is guarded and is not easily accessible. The human mind can be a stronghold.

Mental strongholds are formed when we accept, and come into one accord with, false and negative arguments, reasoning and imaginations. Satan's plan is to provide us with enough destructive thoughts to build those strongholds, because then he will have a safe place from which he can rule our life and steal our destiny.

How can we prevent strongholds from happening to us? By fighting the good fight of faith ( 1Timothy 6:12). This involves not allowing our mind to be abandoned territory - a place devoid of God's thoughts, truths and principles - in which the enemy can construct  anything he desires. We must wage war to preserve the integrity of our thoughts. Most strongholds are rooted in selfish and fleshly desires.

We can avoid strongholds by developing a prosperous mindset. A prosperous mindset is developed when we see things through the spectacles of God. Do not settle for mediocrity like Mephibosheth in Lodebar yet God had already blessed him with a palace life. Set your mind on higher things. 

No matter what you are going through, if you look hard enough and keep the right attitude, you can find something good about the experience. You will never go beyond the barriers in your own mind. If you think you cannot do something, then you will never. If you are defeated in your mind, you have already lost the battle. If you don't think your dreams will come to pass, they never will.

Do not let your past determine your future. The life Israelites lived in Egypt became a stronghold and it took 40 years to reach Canaan, a journey that can take eleven days.

To God be the glory

Rev B Chinhara