Friday, 29 May 2020

Holy Spirit

Showers of blessings

By Reverend N Murambadoro

 Acts 1:4 "And while being in their company and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised, Of which [He said] you have heard Me speak."

After Resurrection, JESUS showed HIMSELF to HIS Disciples for 40 days. Just before HE Ascended into Heaven, HE gave them a command to follow on vs 4 that, do not leave Jerusalem until you receive the HOLY SPIRIT Baptism. JESUS was teaching HIS Disciples patience. They didn't know when the HOLY SPIRIT will come down but they had to wait patiently.

The early Church set a good precedence on obedience. They demonstrated patience in waiting for the outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT.

If there is one thing that's difficult to do is to have patience to wait. We are living in a fast World, where patience to wait is fast becoming a thing of the past.

May the LORD enables us to have patience and wait upon GOD'S time. For we must possess an understanding that all that happens to us is directed and established by GOD. Amen.

Blessings and Shalom
Rev and Family

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