Saturday, 27 June 2020

How Satan Attacks Marriages

“Not so: go now ye that are men, and serve the Lord; for that ye did desire. And they were driven out from Pharaoh’s presence.” (Exodus 10:11)

Furthering his determination to have a stranglehold on deciding how well the children of Israel fared, after much entreaty from Moses and Aaron, Pharaoh made a declaration that only men could go and worship their God.

Why did he ask them to leave behind their wives and children?

Satan seeks to destroy marriages.

 Marriages were attacked during the Israeli enslavement in Egypt and till today, marriages are still being attacked.

If the husbands had left their wives behind in Egypt, then the institution of marriage would have been destroyed.

It is the aberration in the divine structure of marriages that has seen vices such as homosexuality gaining ground and support in our society today.

I advise you strongly not to engage in homosexuality as it will ruin your life completely.

The devil knew that if the men left without their wives, they would look for fellow men or women who are not Jewish. It is not right to go without your family.

Whenever a man asks his wife to leave his house, he has another woman on the way. If you cannot carry your marriage with you, you cannot enter the next level.

Words of Wisdom: Satan seeks to destroy marriages.

Prayer/Confession: Father, as I go into my fulfilment, I will go with my marriage, entire family, and future, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Further Reading: Exodus 10:1-11.
Critical eye

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