Saturday, 27 June 2020


Matthew 6:24; "No man can serve two masters: he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."

 1 Corinthians 3:21; "Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours."  Money is a snare, a deception and a distraction in the world.

When God made this world, there was no such thing as money. The world didn't start with money. But today, many people act like money fell from heaven and God said, "Thou must use money." But that is not so. Here is how to understand this deception. When you deposit money in the bank, you are aware there is no special store created to store the money with your name on every bill.

Where is all the money the bank is keeping for you? They only have a record in your name in figures as proof that you have money there. Money is an illusion; it exists only in the mind of the  poor. Your real quality and value have nothing to do with the money in your pocket or the bank. If you can build your mind and your heart; the quality of your personality, not your bank accounts, it will control how much money responds to you.

 Take your mind beyond money and focus on God's purpose. His purpose for your life is that you will always win. No matter what happens to the financial systems and operations of the world. You are bigger than inflation and the economy; you are bigger than this world. You are the seed of Abraham.

 You own the world. If you believe this, you will be free from the power and intimidation of money. Your dream in life should not be where or how to get money. Put your mind to work and money will respond to you. You rule and reign in this life, independent of the financial systems of this world.

Fulfil God's purpose for your life and walk in the path He has arranged for you. He has made all things you require for life and Godliness available to you.

 You celebrate the grace of prosperity and abundance that you enjoy as the seed of Abraham.

Sybil "Sweetmama" Woodall

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