Saturday, 20 June 2020

Spiritual warfare

Confession: Psalm 34:7.
Praise and worship

We need some warfare prayers to deal with the strongman of our destiny and thereafter we find ways for our imprisoned virtues to be released unto us. The moment you are surrounded by witches and wizards, your enemies will begin to operate on the platform of victory.

These prayers would destroy and scatter every witchcraft gathering against your moving forward. If you want deliverance, you need to pray the prayers very well.

 1) Every strange eye looking at me and  the members of my family from the waters, go blind now, in the name of Jesus

2) Every village masquerade chasing me day and night, scatter to pieces, in the name of Jesus.

3) Every witchcraft agent crossing legs and hands against me, collapse and die, in the name of Jesus.

4) Every satanic handshake or evil laying on of hands against my elevation, backfire by fire, in the name of Jesus.

5) Any witchcraft parent using my sweat and those of my family members against us, lose your power and die, in the name of Jesus.

6) I release the word of God and the blood of Jesus to destroy all the activities of witchcraft in the heavenlies against my star, in the name of Jesus.

7) Any satanic magnet of unexplainable high debt in my life; be rolled off by the Blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

8) Shrine demons operating against my life and and against the lives of my family members invoke yourself to the grave and die, in the name of Jesus.

9) Any bile, blood and palm-oil poured into water to harm my stars, backfire and release the glory of my stars, in the name of Jesus.

10) All around barrenness in my life, marriage, finance, certificate, visa, receive fruitfulness, in the name of Jesus.

11) Any place on earth where my glory is harbored, be shaken by the earthquake and the seaquake and release my glory, in the name of Jesus.

12) Every flying witch that wants to use me as a horse, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

13) Arrows of destructive stubbornness in my foundation, catch fire and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.

14) By the Blood of Jesus, I refuse to be called a witch/wizard in the spirit realm, in the name of Jesus.

15) O God arise and deliver me from every evil cycle, in the name of Jesus.

16) Every evil power using my placenta and the placentas of my family members to summon our spirits, I break your power now, in Jesus name.

17) Any community witchcraft attacking good things in my family, YOU ARE A LIAR, COME OUT and die by fire in the name of Jesus.

18) Anyone who has any one of my pictures and is using them to steal my virtues, I recover them from you today by fire, in the name of Jesus.

19) Every witchcraft meeting taking place against my family and I now, be scattered unto desolation, in the name of Jesus.

20) By the power that delivered Daniel from lion’s den, O God arise, protect and deliver me from my enemies, in Jesus name.

21) I command my destiny attached to the destiny of spiritual animals to come back to me, in the name of Jesus.

22) My blessings, I command you to hear my voice, arise and locate me by fire, in the name of Jesus.

23) Every power surrounding me in the kingdom of darkness, your time is up, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.

24) Fire of God, locate the strongroom of the wicked elders and retrieve my virtues buried there, in the name of Jesus.

25) Thank God for answering your prayers

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