Saturday, 27 June 2020
The Pure Gospel
Showers of blessings come
Reverend N Murambadoro
Acts 7:54 "Now upon hearing these things, they [the Jews] were cut to the heart and infuriated, and they ground their teeth against [Stephen]."
When the HOLY SPIRIT descended upon Apostles, they began to serve GOD in Jerusalem and, a lot of things happened there.
Pure Gospel was being preached, and great numbers of people were being saved, great numbers turning to JESUS CHRIST for their forgiveness of sin. Many were being healed, those who were demon possessed were set free, and Fellowship of saints. As the Christians grew numerically and Spiritually, this provoked the Jews. They began to stop the spread of the Christian movement.
One day, when Stephen preached, people were cut to the hearts, and infuriated and they ground their teeth against him. This response to the Gospel is often common to many who witness CHRIST.
You probably have been confronted with negative responses to your witness and you feel like blaming yourself. Noooo! Don't. Remember when you witness JESUS CHRIST, you are taking people from the devil's bondage and he cannot just let it go. He fights to keep his servants in bondage.
Whatever reaction you are getting as a Christian, look at it positively, don't quit. Keep on serving GOD'S Divine will and purpose. You exist for a purpose, fulfil it. Amen.
Blessings and Shalom
Rev and Family
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