Friday, 5 June 2020

Unity In Church. ...

Showers of blessings

By Rev N Murambadoro

Acts 6:1-3

 "Now abouthist time, when the number of the disciples was greatly increasing, complaint was made by the Hellenists (the Greek-speaking Jews) against the [native] Hebrews because their widows were being overlooked and neglected in the daily ministration (distribution of relief).

 So the Twelve [apostles] convened the multitude of the disciples and said, It is not seemly or desirable or right that we should have to give up or neglect [preaching] the Word of God in order to attend to serving at tables and superintending the distribution of food.

Therefore select out from among yourselves, brethren, seven men of good and attested character and repute, full of the [Holy] Spirit and wisdom, whom we may assign to look after this business and duty...."

Helenists were Jews but they were Greek speak Jews. They complained about the problem of service. All people involved here were Christians those neglecting and those neglected.

 For the Disciples to resolve these issues, they 'commanded' the Christian's to select seven men to serve in the capacity of deacons. Criteria used was to consider these qualities before appointing him for the service:
1. a man or good and attested character and reputation.
2..a man full of the HOLY SPIRIT
3. .a man full of wisdom.

Our Church today is confronted with a big challenge. The criteria we use to appoint leaders is totally different from the sta dard set by the early Church. As for us when looking for leaders, we look at the outward appearance like status, popularity, education, possession, friends etc.

 There is nothing wrong in  choosing a peraon with these outward qualities if he also possess those three qualities outlined by the Apostles: good character and reputation,  full of HOLY SPIRIT, and full of wisdom. I was just thinking, If we can consider these when we appoint our leaders, how would the Church look like.

 My question for you is: If we see people in leadership positions without these inward qualities, who is and who will be accountable before GOD? Is it the Pastor, Elders, Deacons? Or the Christians who chose people into those positions?

 Churches are experiencing some politics, fights, sabotages and other various challenges as a result of wrong leadership.  I pray that the LORD restores the Church of today. Amen.

Blessings and Shalom
Rev and Family

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