Friday, 16 October 2020

God Is There


Greta Zwaan 2006

So many times I've tried to write the story of your grace;

But then my eyes would fill with tears at the image of your face.

Compassion, love, and tender care, and patience with mankind,

Expressed profoundly who You are, Your life with ours entwined.

No selfish thoughts, no evil traits, no struggle to gain power,

For all things are in full control, each moment and each hour.

You do not ask man for advice, yet every voice You hear,

Your delight comes from their praise and as their hearts draw near.

For man to view your holiness while in their sinful state,

Is far beyond their power to bear, for God, You are so great!

Yet in the midst of holiness your love still rules supreme,

The gentleness, the total power; You're far beyond a dream.

Yet even though these attributes are so much who You are,

You judge a nation for its works, Your eye roves near and far.

For those who bless, You bless in turn, You fill their hearts with joy,

But the oppressor knows no peace, his mind is to destroy.

Your patience and long suffering allowed man to roam free,

But every deed is written down; Your Word is Your decree.

When time runs out and life is o'er, You'll call man to account;

Your judgment will be swift and sure without the mercy fount.

You are Creator, it's your right to mold and shape the clay,

And then to judge its worthiness through what was done each day.

You call, You plead, persuading man to hear and make a choice,

And man will never have excuse if they have heard Your voice.

So God, I cannot pen the thoughts of all Your love and care,

Far beyond my human power, but God! I'm glad You're there!

Education and entertainment 

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