Revelation 19-40
About two months later, after leaving Egypt, the Hebrews arrived at Mt Sinai. This is where God gave them the Mosaic Covenant as a nation and instructed them in His law and ways. Moses went up on the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments and experienced the glory of God. The law revealed the holiness of God, the sinfulness of man and provided guidance for right living. The Sabbath was given as the sign of the Mosaic Covenant.
God instructed the people to build a Tabernacle where His glory/ presence could dwell on a temporary basis and where they could come to worship and receive instructions from God. Alas, while Moses was on the mountain receiving instructions from God, Aaron and the people down the mountain were busy erecting a golden calf. This idolatry attracted a severe punishment from God.
As we concluded this book, the Tebarnacle was completed and the glory of the Lord filled it. The Hebrews spent about a year at Mt Sinai receiving the revelation from the Lord. They were being prepared to enter the promised land of Canaan in fulfilment of the Abrahamic Covenant.
As your home work today, what can be your sermon or teaching outline on the relationship between the " On top of the mountain and down the mountain" Blessings.-Rev Sithole
The Preacher's Sincere Talk
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