Friday 24 September 2021

Churches - The Vanguard In Peace Building


By Martin Stobart

Human kind is living in an era best with all kinds of problems, problems of its own

making problems which it is nurturing with diligent care as if its lives depend on these

problems which include hunger, starvation, wars, sin and sinfulness and gross

disobedience to the heavenly laws of God.

Human kinds is swimming in poverty and

wallowing access pit of blood emanating from the wars which it has ignited for goodness



However, going by what the human mind can comprehend

and perceive it is not far from the truth that human kind loves power of office, that is to

say that power to rule over others, let me say that man, instead, of “humankind” loves to

aggrandize power and satiate himself by it.

Even in our homes the re are power struggles

between members of a family; even in the poorest of poor families where there is

apparently nothing tangible to quarrel about let alone to fight for.

There are quarrels and

fights and alterations and endless upheavals. 

I dare any one tell me where in the world is

there peace?

No matter where one goes in the world there is bloodletting.

Man has

forgotten that we were all created in the image of God Almighty the creator and Maker

of all that inhabits the world.

God knows neither poverty nor wealth neither the poor not

the wealthy.

God knows neither king nor beggar, emperor nor servant: and behold“we

fat all creatures else to fat us, and we fat ourselves for maggots; your fat king and your

lean beggars but variable service, but to one table.

God sees all his creation through

the same lense or through a miracle.

Let us all

pray for peace in the world.

There are bush fires, floods, tsunamis, tempests.

First it was

HIV and AIDS transmitted sexually now it is Covid 19 transmitted by breath and body


What is next?

Buildings which were designed by the best  architects and

constructed by engineers of the time are coming down as if they are shifting sands,

even a wheezing breeze is enough to bring them down.

Unfortunately and sadly, too

human lives are lost in  the process. 

Can we therefore say that mankind is paying the

price for its excesses?

I take it that I am correct when l say that the church (a collective

term) must take the lead in praying for peace at a global level.

The churches are the


May this day be the day that God made! Let us rejoice in it in prayer!

Let us remember that king emperor, lean beggar, we are all  food for maggots at the

end of the day.

(Martin Stobart lives in Lupane, Zimbabwe with his wife and grandson. He is a senior citizen and regular contributor to different newspapers. This article was originally written for the International Day of Peace on 21 September).

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