Monday 27 September 2021

Diaspora Discourse : Wake Up To Ecological Theology



By Davison Muropa

Ndakasimudza nyaya yangu, but it found no taker. Zvamunoona, *Climate Change* is a big issue, the most critical issue of this age. 

Zvamunoona all these ecumenical organisations, like the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, the Evangelical Fellowship, United Development of Apostolic Indigenous

Churches etc seem to only want to seek relevance on the political arena. 

But there there is a world (the Garden of Eden) out there that God mbune instructed Adam (and his vahosi, Eve) to look after. 

Humanity has run roughshod over Mother Earth and disaster looms, but no voice is being raised in Zimbabwe or in Africa. 

Who should be making noises about looking after this garden. 

If Christians are true to their call, then they are called to action for a time such as this. 

As I said, the Church (of the western world) has been emasculated and now watches or sups with the devil whilst corporations, with the blessing of governments, slowly destroy Mother Earth in their quest to make super global profits to maximize the wealth of their already filthy rich shareholders. 

It is time for the church to rise up and defend this planet. Scientists ( Christian and non- Christian) have already done the maths and we are headed for disaster as global warming squeezes and destroys mother earth. 

The Adams and their able helpers, the Eves, of the Christians world shoul take up the mantle and start to preach responsible citizenship and responsible use of Earth’s scarce and dwindling resources and looking after the land, the air, the seas, the flora and the fauna. 

If you watched the Global Citizen world musical extravaganza beamed live this weekend you will realise that the issue is now topical. 

It’s not for the Greta Thunbergs of Germany or for Green Peaces of this world to go it alone. 

Zimbabwe and Africa and Christendom the world over, must also rise up. Bible venerating Christendom should wake up from its slumber and listen to the word from God. 

The Garden of Eden is slowly burning and quietly disintegrating, whilst the Christian Adams and Eves are just standing by, watching and merely mesmerized. 

Till next week, be blessed.

 *Davison Muropa is a Zimbabwean based in Birmingham, UK.*

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