Friday 24 September 2021

LIGHT ON FRIDAY: Breakthrough- When Does It Take Place ?

With Major Isaiah Motsi

*_and in due time she gave birth to a son._* (1 Samuel 1:20)

Breakthrough takes place when the time is right. It happens when God approves of it. *_"I the Lord will make it happen when the time is right._* (Isaiah 60:22)

 Breakthrough happens when you stop trusting self or anyone else but God. 

It needs no strife but only trust in God.

We all have our hopes and dreams but, God's plans for our lives are much greater than what we can ever imagine. What we need is to let God take control and our breakthrough happens. 

Your breakthrough comes when you stop saying _"I cant" and start saying  "I can"._  Start living the _"I can"._ 

God knows you can do something if you say it and believe that you can. *_"I am the vine and you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing."_* (John 15:5) 

Accept that by yourself you can do nothing but, with God you can do all things. 

The Church can not be full of _"I cants,"_ it needs the _"I cans."_ "I cant" is not in the christian vocabulary. 

Hannah said, "I can," and indeed she made it.

You can overcome, you can face your fears and you can forgive. 

I want to think that Hannah forgave Peninnah. You can trust God with your life, you can love yourself and others, you can see the goodness of God and you can believe him to make things happen. *_Never limit what God can do in you and through you._ 



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