Friday 1 October 2021

Light On Friday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_When the one who wronged you comes saying I'm sorry._

*_"Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son."_* Luke 15:21)

The son came and  said to his father, _"I am sorry."_ 

He had accepted and understood that he had lost it. He had tried it alone in life but failed and so realised he had no option but to return to his father. So he sought his forgiveness. 

What would you do? 

When someone who has caused you pain, someone who has betrayed your trust and loyalty, someone who did it all wrong to you, finally comes to say, _"I am sorry."_ The father, with a big heart,  accepted the son back and forgave him.

Would you count the loss and say, "over my dead body? The father never stopped looking forward to his son's return one day. 

His kind of waiting shows that he had  forgiven his son long before he came back. 

Are you willing to forgive those who wronged you even before they come to ask for your forgiveness? 

Jesus taught us to pray, _Forgive us our trespasses  as we forgive those who trespass  against us."_ *(Luke 11:4)* 

Can you innocently and honestly pray that prayer without any feeling of guilt? 

If Jesus himself has   forgiven those who crucified him, and forgiven all your sins, then who are you not to forgive those who have crossed your path?

The father declared, _*"We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found."*_ (Luke 15:23) You need to find and resuscitate that lost and dead relationship by forgiving. There is a sense of freedom that comes with forgiving as opposed to the imprisonment that comes from not forgiving. 



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