Monday 27 September 2021

Light On Monday: What Would You Say?

With Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)

_When you realize its Leah and not Rachel._ 

*_But when Jacob woke up in the morning, it was Leah! "What have you done to me? I worked for seven years for Rachel! Why have you tricked me?_* (Genesis 29:25)

If you strongly desire for something you put your all to satisfy the conditions for acquiring it. At that very moment you feel close to finally getting it, you discover the package has been replaced by something else, what would you say, and what would you do? 

For Jacob it was not only about wanting something, it was about deeply loving someone. He had loved Rachel at first sight and he was prepared to bear whatever it took took to have her. Because of his love for Rachel, the seven years of working for her seemed like only a few days. (Genesis 29:20)

Jacob had worked enough for his bride and believed his father-in law had finally given her to him. He only discovered in the morning that he had been given Leah instead.


Laban gave another condition for him to have Rachel; working for another seven years. Jacob loved Rachel so much, that he set his focus and was never deterred.

If you want it, its yours! Jacob proved it. When something is meant for you you, even if it seems elusive, it will finally land in your hands. 

Remain resolute and be willing to work and to wait. In a fast food outlet, a chips and full chicken customer and a pie and drink customer will not wait for the same time. The bigger the order, the longer the waiting time and so are the benefits. 

The love for your heart's desire becomes the wind that fans the fire to keep you working and waiting.

What would you do or say, when you think your waiting has lapsed only to learn that you are only half way into it. 

Would you be ready to work again, or your would throw in the toweI and settle for  what is available? 

Jacob took what he was given but, decided to work again for what he loved. That is love at its best; it counts no cost. _If you want it, wait for it and, if you really want it, work for it._ *Amen.*


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