Saturday 25 September 2021

LIGHT ON SATURDAY : More Hindrances To Breakthroughs

With Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)

*_Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you are working for the lord rather than for people._* 

*_You employers must be just and fair to your employees. Remember that you also have a master in heaven._*

(Colossians 3:23,4:1)

We all pray for different breakthroughs in life and all those prayers are directed to God. You may be praying for a breakthrough in business. The sole aim of business is to make profit. The secret of money is that you are paid when you work for someone and, you have to pay if someone works for you.

As Christians, we pray that we work well so as to be paid well. If you have people working for or under you, God expects you to pay, and pay them accordingly. As you pray for a breakthrough at work you have to work like you are working for God and not for a person. Not paying workers accordingly also affects your breakthrough. Never allow yourself to be a hindrance to someone's breakthrough. Do not enjoy yourself at the expense of someone. You do not have to water your joy with the tears of someone. That also affects your expected breakthrough.

The God who should bring about your breakthrough is the same God who brings the breakthrough of those under you. So God must be happy with both the employer the employee so that they both meet their breakthrough. The Lord knows how best to meet everyone at his/her point of need and noone deserves a breakthrough more than the other. Your breakthrough is there, so is mine, what is  needed is commitment and perseverance in long suffering. Doing all that we do as for God rather than people. *Amen.*


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