Thursday 30 September 2021

Light On Thursday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_When you finally hold what you prayed for in your hands._

*_After sacrificing the bull, they took the child to Eli. "Sir, do you remember me? Hannah asked. "I am the woman who stood here several years ago praying to the Lord, I asked the Lord to give me this child, and he has given me my request. Now I am giving him to the Lord, and he will belong to the Lord his whole life." And they worshipped the Lord there._* (1 Samuel 1:25-28)

First things first; Hannah went and gave her thanksgiving offering by sacrificing a bull to the Lord before even taking the child to the High Priest, Eli. She remembered the Temple from where she had prayed to God asking for a son. When our prayers get answered many of us become so excited that we forget where we made our request. We forget the promises we made and we are quick to throw parties of self glory, praise and pampering. We forget to honour the giver himself.

Note that Hannah reminded Eli the priest, that it was several years ago when she went asking the Lord for a child. Not all prayers get answered overnight, some answers take a little while. It took a while for Hannah to realize results but, when the result finally came she forgot about all the pain of waiting. She finally held what she had asked for in her hands and gave him back to God. How beautiful the picture, with Eli as a witness to everything. He witnessed Hannah being transformed from a barren women to Samuel's mother, from a sad to a praising woman. *_"Sir, do you remember me?_ What would you do or say when you finally hold it in your hands?  *Amen.*


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