Tuesday 28 September 2021

Light On Tuesday

With Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_When you learn that your blessing has been taken away._

*_But Isaac said, "Your brother was here, and he tricked me. He has carried away your blessing."_* (Genesis 27:35)

Have you ever done something in anticipation for an award, only to learn a few moments from receiving it, that somebody has already taken it in your name? What would you do?


Esau's expectation was not of his own making, neither  was it just an ordinary reward. It was a unique blessing from his aged father. *(Genesis 27:1-3)* 

Esau had two reasons for his great expectation; he had been promised a blessing by his father and he was the elder son, with the right  to his aged father's blessing. Having followed all the instructions from the father, little did he know that there had emerged a bad schemer in the person of mother. 

She wanted Jacob to be blessed in his place.

What later unfolded in the story teaches us that some things may not turn out in our expected favour. 

We also learn that an enemy may come in the form of anyone, even family members, It therefore, may be wise to treat everyone with caution when it concerns matters of our blessing. Rebekah, the two boys' mother, masterminded the stealing of a blessing, something which created division within the family and something which is not commendable for any family.

But what would you do? Esau swallowed the bitter pill as he could not do anything about it. The consolation is that Isaac, his father, said that the situation was not going to be forever. It was  going to change. 

_"You will serve your brother for a time, but then you will shake loose from him and be free._ *(Genesis 27:40)* Dear believer, no bad season will last forever. You may be in a terribly dark season today, where you even know who has blown your lamp off. You may know who has made you lose your job, lose your marriage; you may know who has cost you your promotion but take heart, it will only be for a while. The sun will rise again sooner or later.

If Esau had belonged to today's generation, he would have made news headlines, *_Boy  murders his mother and brother in a blessing scandal._* But the young man chose to do the right thing, he waited for God's time. We can learn from Esau, for all that painfully affects our lives. Let us wait for God's time. 




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