Wednesday 29 September 2021

Light On Wednesday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_When those who had planned to eliminate you are right before you and you are in power._

*_But Joseph told them, "Don't be afraid of me. Am I God, to judge and punish you? As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil. He brought me to the high position I have today so I could save the lives of many people. No don't be afraid. Indeed, I myself will take care of you and your families."_* (Genesis 50:19-21)

Having gone through all the gruelling experience, Joseph chose to forgive his brothers unconditionally. He felt obliged to loving and caring for them and their families. Would you do that? 

When you are in charge and powerful like Joseph, and you have the very people who attempted your elimination stand right before you. Would you order soldiers to open fire on them? Would you kill them yourself, or would you starve them to death? Joseph did none of such. He opened his hands and heart to welcome and forgive them.

The word of God teaches us not to avenge. *_Dear friends, never avenge yourselves. Leave it to God. For it is written, "I will take vengeance; I will repay those who deserve it."_* (Romans 12:19) Joseph never tried to put himself in the place of God to deal with his enemies. You lose nothing by forgiving, rather, you gain honour and respect. Read also _Romans 12:20-21)_ *Amen.*



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