Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Methodist Church In Zimbabwe Daily Devotion- Joshua 5: 11- 12


Joshua 5:11-12

11 And they did eat of the old corn of the land on the morrow after the passover, unleavened cakes, and parched corn in the same day.

12 And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more, but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

Time for Manna is over

On this day, manna ceased. God supplied manna to the hungry Israelites during their forty years of  wilderness. Now that there were in the bountiful promised land, they no longer needed this daily food supply because the land was ready for planting and harvesting. 

The miraculous supply of food was as a result of the wilderness, and now God was providing food from the land itself. 

If this is the case, then prayer is not an alternative to preparation, and faith is not a substitute for hard work. God can and  does provide miracles for His people as needed, but He also expects us to use our God - given talents and resources to provide for us. If our prayers seem unanswered, perhaps our needs are within our reach.

 Allow the time of manna to pass on, and hope for the bountiful harvest from the resources and talents  God has bestowed upon you.

Prayer remains essential, of cause to pray for the wisdom to see the 'land',  and a motivational spirit of tilling that ' land'.  Now that they were circumcised, the daily provision was no longer their take. 

Prayer Point

 May God give me the wisdom to see the land, and a motivational spirit to till it. Amen.

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