Friday 1 October 2021

Murewa Files...

 By Aaron Ipisani

Who is  eager to know the village of Charles, He is from Murewa west, in Pfende village.

 The team’s playing ground is Pfende his home ground.For all soccer lovers around the globe 

 This modern days, rural dwellers acquire water draining machines to drain water for brick making and watering 

tyre and when hammering thestone-marbleand dust splatter is prevented. The job is wearisome and demand a 

 Rivers are quickly drying up dueto lack of protection trees, grass, brick makingand cattle.

to far lands where they live in dreaded of carnivorous.

redundant by the closureof industry. 

seen by the desires of man, lovehis/her richness ofpossessingvast properties:beautiful homes, posh cars, businesses, 

Charles Mabika one of the soccer commentators with ZBC have a team called Pfende football Club based 

 The local authority in attempt to control the land from intruders have set-up by-laws that prohibits certain land from 

on the above log.This week Pfende will play BulletsatPfende.

 MSL, congratulates Mr and Mrs Edward ‘Kunos’for a new baby son, born 18 September 2021.Mr 

 The crushersare causing land degradationand destroying homes for wildlife the crawling and creeping.

‘Kunos’is one ofsoccer funand avid snookerplayer that he plays money games that he hardly lost.

 In Murewa, building stones are fabricated on rockyareasby unemployed man of diverseage precisely married 

 They use heavy ironhammers, chisels and tyres. Tyres arefor protective. The sizeable stone is positioned inside the

the ideaof producinga team called‘Ward Team’to be formed frombestplayers of existing teams.

 The best homes found in aristocratic suburbs in Harare, are consecutive in rural set-upby individuals equipped with 

 FoundingWardteaminMurewa west wardsishamperedby lack of sponsorshipby onewho conveyin 

 Crushersmallet stoneswithoutprotective clothing and machinesrisking from pebblesplatter.

and monies”. 

MUREWA:Extracting pebbles (stones)is prohibited in undesignated or trespassing landin rural environment.

 Crushers and brick manufacturersare defacing the character of atmosphere by land degradation and destroying 

coupleswho employthemselves by allianceand ventureinto lucrative business of casting stones after primarily made 

nature in both ways. The rocky areas are distorted and the living homes ofcertain creeping and crawling are devastated. 

By Aaron Ipisani

considerable serving and a good night rest.

all utensils; well fenced, garage, water tanksandsolar panels.

The mountains and rivers are diminishing dumpy of shielding trees and grass as a result the wild animals are driven 

 These stones are vendedatlandowners who are building luxurious homes in rural areas. 

SOCCER in Murewa west is getting momentum with all grounds hive with soccer lovers of all age groups. 

operating acorporatenot suitable for the


 A heap of stones roughly a wheelbarrow cost US$30andshared among the number of pounders.

 According to Mary Cathrine Baxter, in her book (The Divine Revelation of Hell) asserted, “The signs of the end are gardens 

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