Friday 22 October 2021

Are You Consistent In Your Communication With God?

 Motivation Express

with Tendai Muchena

Last week I was watching a programme about families who call a mediator to help them with issues they feel are breaking their families apart. 

At the end of this particular episode, the mediator said something interesting: what led to the problems in the family was a lack of communication and understanding of what the other person wanted. 

What's causing that gap in your relationship with God? 

Is there consistency in your communication? 

Do you understand what He wants concerning your life?

_Call unto me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things you do not know_ Jeremiah 33:3

Do not miss out on what God has in store for you because you are not communicating with Him.

*Tendai Muchena fellowships at Marlborough Salvation Army Church in Harare. She writes here on her own personal capacity. She can be contacted at

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