Friday 15 October 2021

Be A Prisoner Of Hope


By Apostle Tamuka Nyoni

(Lupane, Matabeleland North)

Another day has been added unto us, God is always faithful.

When things are hard He remains the same, when things are moving on well He remains God.

He does not change today and forever.

When troubles come, do not let the worries and anxieties of this world make you hopeless.

Be a prisoner of hope and receive a double reward from God.

Keep doing the right thing. Be good to people that are hostile to you.

Keep smiling, keep singing songs of praise.

This is not just being positive; that is an attitude of faith.

That is what allows God to show out in your life.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things seen."  - Hebrews11:1

Have a blessed Friday and a pleasant weekend .

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