Tuesday 5 October 2021

Celebration - 138 Years Of Service To Boys

By Sydney Barson 

So the Boys Brigade is now 138 years? 

The Boys' Brigade a Christian organisation for boys yesterday around the world commemorated 138 years since its founding on 04th October in 1883 in Thurso in Scotland.

Founded by Sir William Alexander Smith at the Free Methodist Church the Boys Brigade has now spread to over 100 countries.

The Boys Brigade commenced as a response to indiscipline by young boys at Sunday School, Sir. Smith realized that soldiers use drill for discipline and he incorporated that in his organisation.

BB programming includes Bible lessons, Church parades, drill, camping, outdoor lessons and various sporting activities.

In Zimbabwe the Boys' Brigade officially started in Bulawayo at the Main Street Methodist Church (now Methodist Church in Zimbabwe) in October 1948.

The Boys' Brigade an inter - denominational organisation operates in Churches and schools that are willing to partner in its Christian objectives.

The object of the Boys' Brigade is "the advancement of Christ's Kingdom among boys and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.'

The Boys Brigade motto is "Sure and Stedfast" derived from Hebrews 6:19  "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil." King James version.

Major Garikai Chinyani is the current president of the Boys' Brigade in Zimbabwe.

Congratulations! Makorokoto! Amhlophe!

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