Sunday 31 October 2021

Chipinge Ministers Fraternal Empowerment Conference

By Rev Father Isiah Dhliwayo.

At least 43 Pastors and spouses under the banner of the Chipinge Ministers Fraternal yesterday completed a 3 day entrepreneurship, homiletics, marriage enrichment and prayer life conference held at the United Methodist Church, situated at number 19 Jourbert Street Chipinge. 


Rev Chimberengwa was the host Pastor.

Elder Makuwe of ZAOGA church and Pastor Manonga of AFM of Zimbabwe took Pastors through overwhelming presentations on Pastors as entrepreneurs.

"An entrepreneur is defined as an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. 

Hence Pastors should also kick start their own businesses as this will reduce burdening of congregants in terms of Pastor's welfare." Said Elder Makuwe.

Pastor Manonga highlighted that the process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship.

"Entrepreneurship is more about changing a crisis into an opportunity," said Pastor Manonga of AFM in Zimbabwe, Director of Homtel Pvt limited Company and Director Foundation of Life a humanitarian organisation.

Clergyman and women were encouraged to start businesses and work very hard, but without neglecting their core business of ministerial work. 

The last day of the conference concluded with teachings on Marriage and how to preserve marriage life as Pastors and their wives . 

This was conducted by  Overseer Tichaona Nyamuzinga Zaoga FiF. 

"Marriage has been ordained and instituted by God from creation It  is the joining together in holy matrimony of two imperfect personalities and the two are to be perfected by the word of God through love. Men are obliged to love there wives and wives are obliged to submit to their wives as Christ loved the church." Overseer Nuamuzingo said.

Pastors are also compelled to love their wives and show them the best care.

Said Prophet Gapara: "Wives also must show  their totality in supporting their husbands in ministry." 

Overseer Museredzo of ZAOGA FIF presented on

homiletics which he summarised as: "The art of preaching and comprises the study of the composition and delivery of religious discourses." 

Throughout this presentation pastors were reminded of their theological seminary yesteryear. 

Apostle Chitake then led Pastors to a soul searching encounter as he encouraged them to be united regardless of denominations. 

He cited pride amongst pastors as one of things which has divided many  man of cloths with some even failing to make it in the ministry. 

The conference ended with the presentation of certificates of attendance, with high spirited singing of praise songs led by Cloris Machuwaire a Chipinge upcoming gospel artist.

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