Friday 1 October 2021

Grooming And Etiquette


with Willard Chigumira

*Leadership Quote 1*

*Servant leadership is whereby one is gifted with the sixth sense , differentiating between self serving and the sincerity that goes with serving others*


*Leadership Quote 2*

*Servant leadership isn't what it ought to be if the motive s evolves around " the self" first. Powerful!*


*About leadership*

*1. Leadership* is not an affair of the head: leadership is an affair of the heart.

*2. Leadership* is not just what happens when you are present; its what happens when you absent.

*3. Leadership* is the process of getting everyone to the place they are supposed to arrive at.

*4. Leadership* that is purposeful is infectious.

*5. Leadership* has a harder job to do than just choosing sides, it must bring sides together.

*6. Leaders* are ordinary people with extraordinary determination.

*7. Leaders* go down in history, some further than others.

*8. Leadership* is about influencing things that matter for the future.

*9. Leaders* do not dissolve into despair but resolve to act quickly and zestfully.

*10. Leaders* face the music even if they dislike the tune.

(Blanchard & Muchnik)

*Talking Servant Leadership*


Leadership . That conscientious effort tos attain the goals and meet aspirations of those to be served. Dutifully. Loyally. Sincerely, zealously and above all else__well.  Servant leadership isn't what it ought to be if the motive evolves around  " the self" first.

At best, servant leadership is keen , enchanted, vigorous, passionate, just and motivated by the desire to fulfill other people 's dreams. That quest to turn obstacle to opportunity. That desire to sustain the good. Moving the wheel of success to perpetuity. It isn't a "me stand alone" mantra. Stakeholders are consulted. Feedback feeding the process engagement throughout . Selfless leadership engages the led for ideas, input and wholesome involvement in decision making. Always the led loom large in the kaleidoscope of life for decision makers and others in positions of authority.

In servant leadership, choices are made from informed positions, decisions are a product of ongoing consultations. Nowhere do we find mediocrity being touted as phenomenal progress since along the chain of conversations, people ask questions. Those questions help to create a rear view mirror which always checks against excesses if any, progress as and when it happens .

Many a time people are coerced to abandon their own achievable dreams and outsource the shaping of their destiny to outsiders . The result oftentimes are hurting communities . Across the globe, the rumble of concomitant voices screaming for better prospects and opportunities are but a sad reality that leadership isn't performing according to expectation. Both print and electronic media are awash with such, dotted around the globe like splashes of blood on white paper . Humanity by her very nature is enduring. As such they pin their hopes on the future. *The bad part about leadership failure is that if it happens, it is like the stock exchange. Everyone is affected one way or the other*.

On the other hand it is the duty of the led to keep track of issues affecting livelihoods, governance and the creation of equal opportunities for all. Leaders bear the initiative and power to bring into play that sense of belonging and self actualisation by their followers. Servant leaders will utilize and optimize the *power of anticipation*_ to tap in on the trust bestowed by those choosing or accessing them. To build and enable continuing conversation bridges. Feedback. Consultation . Community. And the inter institutional franchise of mutual peaceful coexistence. The man created disaster of planned failure will always have servant leaders working harder to deny it of oxygen , thus be able to present that which they set out to deliver.

As dictated by time , the servant leader should be under no illusion as to what leadership pressures would entail. Constituency demands could be broad and exacting . In leadership time frames may collapse before are matured . So decision making must be timely , initiated, responsive and effective. In a nutshell the servant leader must work harder, for longer periods , smarter and objectively. There may be no quick fix solutions ( if ever there are, they offer only short term respite). The servant leader has to possess the virtues of patience, mothballed into strategic thinking and above all _ *love of the people* he/she leads.

*Willard Chigumira is an educationist and events coordinator based in Mutare.*

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