Friday, 22 October 2021

Light On Friday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_Saved from the Cemetery!_

*_"What is your name?" Jesus asked. "Legion, he replied, for the man was filled with many demons._*

_"I am that man who used to stay in the cemetery, I was  comfortable by the grave yard, seeing life as normal there. I was possessed by so many evel spirits and they controlled my life. Bound by chains but I simply broke them._ 

_"I thank the Lord Jesus Christ, for the day I met him, I felt like I resurrected from the dead. Immediately I became in charge of my life once again. I started a new life. I fitted back into the community where I once had been cut off."_ What a testimony, and what a changed life!

Just one encounter with Jesus is enough to transform a life. Legion's past was a life in the grave yard but, in his future, Jesus instructed him to go about sharing his testimony. *_"No, go back to your family and tell them all the wonderful things God has done for you."_* (Luke 8:39) If you have  had a true encounter with Jesus Christ, you will have the eagerness to share your testimony. 

It is not your grave yard life that makes a testimony but, your encounter with Jesus Christ at the cemetery. It is the dead-end that Jesus raised to life that makes a testimony.  A testimony only makes an impact when it is shared. *Amen.*


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