Monday 4 October 2021

Light On Monday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_When told, "ask and I will give it to you!"_

*_That night God appeared to Solomon and said, "What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!"_* (2 Chronicles 1:7)

What a rare and opportunity-loaded position! Would you start to search through your wish list, your dream list or your lack list. When Solomon got this question he had to think and dig deep. He thought of the life and the task ahead of him. That helped him to ask for the right thing.

Will you take your time and  not rush into asking? Solomon was not selfish, he searched through his needs list as a leader of a nation. His well thought of decision and request drove God to give him the extras that he knew would help him. In addition to the wisdom and knowledge that he had asked for, so as to properly govern the people, God added wealth, riches, and fame so that he was greater than any other king ever.

Dear believer, if you ask for the right thing when given an opportunity, God knows what goes with the right thing. You do not need to start with the luxuries but, the necessities and God better knows the extras to give you. Many people miss it by being selfish and thinking of joy, riches and fame. Those you will only get when God is willing and when he knows that you will use them for his and not for  self glory.

Should opportunity knock on your door, what would you ask for? Be eager to be wise.



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