Monday, 25 October 2021

Light On Monday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


Lazarus' testimony

_Then Jesus shouted, Lazarus, come out!" And Lazarus came out, bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth."_(John 11:43)

Imagine a man from the dead giving a testimony!  What testimony would such a person give? 

Lazarus is one person who must have had a very personal and touching testimony. _"My friends I do not have enough words of thanksgiving; I practically died and was buried but, Jesus Christ the Son of God brought me back to life."_ What a shocking but equally reviving testimony! A testimony direct from the horse's mouth: what testimony would be more accurate than that. Jesus gave and still gives life to the lifeless. With Jesus Christ, nothing is impossible.

When the dead part of your life meets Jesus Christ, you are sure to have it raised. You will stand one day and say, _"I was dead but, here  am I, among the living, glory to the most high God."_ For lazarus it was four days; it could be four months for you or four years but, when Jesus commands, *_"come out!"_* Whatever has been dead will come back to life. Strong testimonies will come out from different people who met Jesus Christ at thier various points of need. The testimony is not about the lifeless body, or the duration of lifelessness but it is new the life brought about by Jesus Christ.



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