Saturday 9 October 2021

Light On Saturday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_Not willing to give out_

*_"You lack one thing, Go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." At this, the man's face fell, and he went sadly away because he had many possessions._* (Mark 10:21-22)

The man who had been so excited to meet and question Jesus on the requirements for eternal life left him with a fallen face. He had  approached Jesus with a very important question. Jesus liked him and responded by testing him to know what he considered as really important. Jesus loved the man's approach and his eagerness to know about eternal life. 

The man had got almost everything right from his tender age and, before Jesus, he must have been saying _'what next for eternal life'_ The man though he had observed all the commandments  without any challenge, but Jesus focused on one other thing; his wealth. _"You lack only one thing._ Jesus labels it as only, since the man had positive marks in all other expectations. Jesus asked him to dispose of all his wealth and give the money to the poor. This proved too bitter a pill to swallow for the man. The once happy face immediately fell and the man left Jesus, going away sad. His wealth was his god.

Do you put your possessions first before God and anything else? Jesus said to the rich man, _"your possessions are worthless if they are not used for the welfare of the poor."_ Remember the poor and help them with what you have. That kind of action was enough to align the rich man onto the road to eternal life. Having passed all other stages, the man lost it on opening his hands and heart to the poor. This is one thing that we are all challenged to work on, let us share what we have with the poor and make the world a better place. Such is love. *Amen.*


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