Saturday, 23 October 2021

Light On Saturday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_The blind man's testimony._

_"I dont know whether he is a sinner," the man replied. "But I know this: I was blind , and now I see!"_ (John 10:25)

The man who had been born blind had his life completely changed when he  encountered  Jesus. His sight was restored. His testimony was clear, *_"I was blind and now I see."_* Just imagine someone seeing for the first time. He had nothing better to do than praise the Lord. 

A testimony digs from the past. It talks about how one got located by grace. A testimony shows the present and for the man the present was that he could see and so he then lived to praise God.

There is no need for you to remain in your old challenged state. Jesus is always willing to meet anyone and change lives. You may not have been physically blind but, there could be areas that kept you challenged and almost hopeless for a long time before you encountered Jesus. Share your testimony and inspire someone  who may think their situation is permanent. The man was blind and he got his  sight back when he met with Jesus Christ, _the game changer._  



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