Thursday 7 October 2021

Light On Thursday: What Is Your Excuse?

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_A bad background._

"Its all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. (Isaiah 6:5)

Some people think there are backgrounds that are favourable for producing God's workmen. Isaiah considered himself unworthy because he came from an inconsiderable background but, God still considered him.

The nature of your background does not hinder God from using you if he choses you.

God owns everyone's past and present. He has no boundary or limit as to who he wants to use, when, how and where. No age, no social status or gender will stop God. He perfects where perfection is needed and cleanses where cleansing is needed. He provides suitable conditions for the success of his mission. Isaiah considered himself sinful but God forgave him of his sins making him ready for service. His excuses were  made obsolete.

Glory and honour be unto the almighty God who considers the inconsiderable and  accepts the unacceptable. Isaiah took himself for a finished and useless person, but see how great a prophet of God he became. He is a God of great possibilities. Just avail yourself and God will work wonders through you. *Amen.*


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