Thursday 28 October 2021

Light On Thursday:What Is Your Request?

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)

_To go with the Lord._

_Then Moses said, "If you don't go with us personally, don't let us move a step from this eve place. If you don't go with us, how will anyone know that your people and I have found favour with you?"_ (Exodus 33:15-16)

Moses was leading a very difficult nation, the Israelites. They were a distinct people, chosen by God to go to the promised land, yet they remained hard hearted. Moses had to make this special request, that God should personally go with them and be their guide.

Certain life situations help you to realise your incapacitation to achieve anything for the Lord. You begin to appreciate the importance of having God take the lead in your journey. You may be appointed or anointed but, there are times when you need to let the anointer himself to take charge. Instead of saying, _"God said",_ you need to be saying, _"listen to what God is saying."_ 

Regardless of your status before God, you may not always have all the answers or solutions to problems. It takes wisdom to be humble enough to take instruction at times. You may need to be empowered and to be directed. No human figure is the ultimate authority; only God is.  Where he opens, no one can close and where he closes, no one can open. Where he leads, no one can oppose.

You need this request once in a while in your life. _"Lord, your presence must go with me."_

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