Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Light On Tuesday: A Testimony

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)

_One day you will say "I'm that one" "Ndini uyeuye!"_

Testimony comes after an encounter and after an experience. It comes after huge change happens in someone's life. 

When, a testimony will help others realise that change is possible with and to anyone. 

The following are examples testimonies given by some people whose lives changed.

Hanna said to Eli the High priest, _"I am that women you took for a drunkard but I was just in a praying mood."_ *(I Samuel 1:13-15)* 

I finally got the child in my hands. Keep praying, God will answer your prayer one day.

Mary said at the dedication of Jesus, _"I am that girl who was frightened when the angel announced to me that I will be the mother of Jesus Christ. It has surely come true."_ *(Luke 1:29,34)* 

Just believe God and take him for his word and the unthought of will happen.

Joseph said to his brothers, _"I am your brother, the one you sold to the Ishmaelites and now I am the Governor of Egypt."_ *(Genesis 37:28, 45:3).* 

Forgive and welcome back all those who did all sorts of bad things against you. Love them with God's love.

The prodigal son said to his father; _"I am your son who recklessly  wasted my share and now I realise I can not stay disconnected from you my father, I am sorry."_ *(Luke 15:21)* 

Swallow all your pride and come to whoever you wronged and apologize in ernest and also to God and you will build some broken bridges, mending broken relationships. 




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