Wednesday 13 October 2021

Light On Wednesday: Called To Be God's People

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)

_Among others_

*_You are among those who have been called to belong to Jesus Christ, dear friends in Rome. God loves you dearly, and he has called you to be his very own people._* (Romans 1:6-7)

There is nothing more important to a Christian than understanding the special calling by God. 

Whilst God has called us as individuals, Paul  reminds us that we are among many others who were called together with us. Jesus considers special every individual he has called. 

Now that we are among many who have been called, we are therefore, bound to fit well in the fellowship of believers. 

We have the unique responsibility to accommodate and cooperate with others. 

No one person can live as an island just as no one tree can make a forest. 

*_It takes all fingers to clinch a fist._* Jesus calls one and all with a special space of love.

God loves us all with the same love. It is our duty, as individual Christians, to radiate God's love one to another. 

The only way we can show the world that we belong to one God by loving one another. *(John 13:35).* 

God calls us in numbers, big numbers so that we can togerther build a large band that will conquer the foe. 

Let us love one another. Together let us face our common enemy, the devil. Let each individual member derive strength from our love. Together we stand strong enough to win against all odds.



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