Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Love Heals All Ills


Submitted by Perkins Munyaradzi Nyakudya

Scripture Text : "But now l tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..." Mathew 5 vs 44

With all our holy aspirations, we are stil human and may ( in the event that someone decides to be somewhat reckless with words, actions etc) find ourselves reacting in a barbaric manner to provocation. 

Yes indeed we can all experience some shocking mood swings resulting in some words or actions that are not so nice flying back and forth between brethren.


Indeed when someone has said or done something that hurts you, or you have suffered unjustly at the hands of another, or you are a victim of sharp unwarranted criticism, your natural human instinct is to show bitterness and to harbour feelings of resentment. 

It's then normal that under such circumstances the emotion furthest from one's mind is love for the perpetrator of the deed!

Many feel that the lord's injunction to Love their foes and to pray for their persecutors is unreasonable and in their anger or resentment will find themselves unable to consider this, let alone give effect to it in their lives. 

Brethren when this happens, then one broad principle needs to be pointed out... we will  have allowed our emotions to boss us around because our fellowship with God will not be as strong as it should be! 

Perhaps we have a foolish pride that always gets bruised. 

Perhaps we are greedy for the praise of man instead of God"s approval. 

Perhaps we selectively love certain people, thus blocking the Divine love for humanity that should naturally reside within ourselves.

Now when you are confronted with all things that you see as being offensive l urge you to consider the earthly life of Jesus. 

Through love and prayer , He dealt with opposition, bitterness and indeed the cruelty of his persecutors. 

He won the victory over the very worst that evil could do.

You need to understand that from the Cross, the power of love and forgiveness lifted Him above the agony of suffering to Glory.

Now when you harbour resentment you will be the loser as your spiritual and physical well- being will be adversely affected. 

Show love in your heart and pray for those with whom you are at odds and you will experience the healing balm of Christ's Peace. 

Always remember that your persecutors do not  possess anything at their disposal that can be greater than your faith in the power of love. 

Brethren, if you faithfully follow Christ"s instructions (love and pray for all), He will open and shut the right doors for your provisions and protection.

Don't you ever panic, for God knows how to take what was meant for harm and turn it around to your advantage if you just love and pray for all.

Have an exciting day in Christ!

Perkins Munyaradzi Nyakudya hails from Pote, in Domboshawa.

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