Part 2 of A 10 Part Series By Rev Kurauone Mutimwii
(Uniting Presbyterian Church, Masvingo)
*The Crisis of lack*
Mark 6 verse 33
One unique as attribute of Christ inspired leadership that makes Shepherdlike leaders be cut above the rest, is their ability to discern God's heart and detect the deepest human needs.
They can differentiate between wandering from hustling, desperate silence from contentment peace.
Jesus Christ, by simply looking at the people going ahead of him and gathering around managed to penetrate deep into their souls and see the needs in them and drought of leadership.
He also knew at once what he was going to teach them to reIgnite their desire for life with a purpose.
Shepherdlike leadership does not cosmetically skirt the surface of the issues of people but seek to dig deep and probe thoroughly until it strike the sensitive nerve of human need and positively provoke it into its existential search.
Meanwhile that same leadership must keep partnering and in conversation of hope with people so that people are continually empowered to persist in unentangling the webs of created poverty, uncompassionate public institutions, systemic corrution, disrupted stewardship, wounded hearts, frustrated ambitions, disoriented spirituality and broken relationships.
Lack is a big crisis that is so viral and cross cutting in our society and there is need for leadership that can unpack and address the different layers of human deficities, sedimented across our human societies.
The Scriptures for the lack of a better term says Jesus Christ gathered them around him and taught them tet meaning ministering to their deepest needs as Matt 14:14 would say Christ healed their sick.
We are made to think of Christ timely healing us of our sick bodies, broken relationships, ailing economies, polarized politics, misplaced priorities, dying aspirations, lost sense of purpose, values or vision and fatigued spiritualities out from his heart richly fertile with compassion.
The people in Zimbabwe are depressed, and in deep distress because they are in great lack for the needs so basic for life and fulfillment of their aspirations yet they are running out of time.
There are generations of Zimbabweans who are heading into the twilight of their light without achieving anything.
They have known no justice, no equity, no equality, no peace, no voice, no economy, no progress, no proud sense of nationhood, no humanity, no opportunities, no space and ultimately no hope.
They are lacking these fundamental needs and this is likely never to be addressed in their life time.
Time is nolonger on their side and they are alone, feeling let down and deserted.
They cannot trust the people in the Nation leadership, or Church leadership because they have waited for a long time without anything meaningful coming their way.
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