.Christian is one of the popular and common religion in the world
.lt has many followers
.Followers of Christianity are called Christians
.The founder of Christianity is Jesus
.The holy book of Christians is the Bible
.The symbol of Christianity is the cross
.Jesus was born in Bethelehem
.Jesus home town was Nazareth
.Jesus mother was Mary
.Jesus earthly father was Joseph
.Jesus heavenly father was God
.There is no record of Jesus sisters in the Bible
.Jesus brothers were Joses,Jude and John
.Jesus began his ministry at the age of twelve years(12years)
.Jesus was once tempted by Satan in the wilderness
. Temptation is being influenced by someone to do a bad thing/evil
Jesus discliples
.Jesus had twelve discliples
.The word discliple means follower
.Jesus discliples were his special friends.
The names of Jesus discliples are
.Simon who later became Peter
.Andrew the brother of Simon Peter
.Judas lscariot
. Philip
. Bartholomew
.James the son of Zebedee
.John the son of Zebedee
.James the son of Alphaeus
. Matthew
Life of Jesus discliples before their ministry
.Peter and his brother were fishermen
.James and his brother were fishermen
. Matthew who also was called Levi was a tax collector
Discliple's behaviour
.John was Jesus beloved discliple
.Judas lscariot betrayed Jesus
.He sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver
.James and John were called sons of thunder because they were hot tempered
Peter was described as the rock
.Peter denied Jesus three times before the cock crows
.Peter cut a soldier's ear with a sword.
.Thomas doubted Jesus resurrection
.Thomas wanted to believe that Jesus has risen by seeing his scars
Jesus Teachings
.Jesus often teaches his discliple
.Jesus taught his discliples using parables
.A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning
.Jesus taught in parables to make his discliples understand his teachings well.
.Here are some examples of Jesus parables and their meanings
.The Parable of the sower..lt teaches that people hear the word of God differently.
.The Parable of the prodigal son....lt teaches us repentance
.The Parable of the two debtors.....lt teaches us forgiveness
.The Parable of the ten virgins....it teaches us to be prepared and watchful
.The Parable of the two sons...lt teaches us obedience
.The parable of the Good Samaritan...lt teaches us to love our neighbours
.The parable of the lost coin...It teaches us God's love for the sinners.
The parable of the talents...lt teaches us to use the talents God gave us.
.The parable of the stewards...lt teaches us to take care of what God gave us
Jesus death,burial crucifixion
.Jesus was praying in the garden of Gethsemane
.The discliples of Jesus were weak and were sleeping
.Suddlenly Jesus woke the discliples and encouraged them to pray
.The Jewish soldiers came and Judas Iscariot kissed Jesus
.The soldiers took Jesus and try to bind him.
When Peter saw the soldiers he cut the ear of one of them.
.Jesus took the ear and put back where it was healing the wounded soldier.
.Jesus was first tried(appear before a ruler to be judged) by a Jewish ruler called Herod.
.Herod couldn't find any fault in Jesus.
.Herod send Jesus to appear before a Roman governor called Pontius Pilate
.Pontius Pilate didn't find any fault in Jesus
.He washed his hands and said Jesus was innocent
.He claimed that the angel of God had visited him in a dream to warn him of doing a harm to Jesus for he was innocent.
.There was a thief called Barabas.
.The ruler asked the Jews whom they want to be to nailed on the cross Jesus and Barabas .
.The Jewish said Jesus must die and Barabas must be freed.
.Jesus was put on his head a crown of thorns
.Peter denied that he was Jesus three times before the cock crows.
.Jesus was asked to carry his cross to Calvary /Golgotha.
Golgotha means a place of skulls.
.Jesus couldn't carry the heavy cross,he was helped by Simon of Cyrene
.Jesus was crucified (nailed on the cross) on Easter Friday.
.On the day Jesus was crucified there was complete darkness in the country and the earth shook
Joseph took Jesus body and bury it into the tomb
Jesus resurrection
.Resurrection means to rise from dead and become alive again.
Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday
.Mary Magdalene was the first to see Jesus when he resurrected.
.Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jacob saw the empty tomb.
.The stone was rolled away
.The angels told the women that Jesus has risen from the dead
The discliple to first see Jesus was Peter
Thomas doubted Jesus resurrection
Jesus ascended to heaven after staying with discliples
The ten commandments
.God gave special rules called commandments to lsraelites
.God invited Moses to a mountain called Sinai.
God gave ten commandments to Moses.
.God wrote the commandments on two stone tablets
.God used his handwriting on the stones
.God gave the ten commandments to make lsraelites live in harmony and peace.
.He wanted the lsraelites to obey him
Here some of the ten commandments
.You shall not steal
.Do not take God's name in vain
.You shall not lie
.You shall not kill
.You shall not covet
.You shall love another
.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour
Christian Religious artefacts
.The Bible
Christian religious practitioners
Christian ceremonies/festivals
.Palm Sunday.... celebrate Jesus entry into Jerusalem
. Passover... celebrate how God rescued from Egyptians oppression
. Christmas... celebrate the birth of Jesus
.Easter.. the death,burial and resurrection of Jesus
. Discliples receive the holy spirit at Pentecost
Christian rituals and rites
.During water baptism Christians must be totally immersed in water once to show the burial and resurrection of Jesus
.Christians kneel down when praying to God.
Christianity and the environment
.God gave power to a man to be a steward
A steward is someone who takes care of someone's property
.God gave Adam and Eve land to till and use effectively
.God doesn't want people to destroy the environment but use it in a proper manner
Questions from topic
1.Who the supreme being of Christians?
2.Who is the founder of Christianity?
3.Who was Jesus mother
4.Where was Jesus buried?
5.Who carried Jesus cross?
6.Which discliple doubted Jesus?
7.Which Jewish ruler tried Jesus?
8.What does the name Golgotha mean?
9.Why did Jesus teach in parables?
10.Christ symbol is called........
11.The Holy of book of Christians is......
12.What is a steward?
13.Name two pairs of Jesus discliples who were brothers?
14.Name four discliples who were fishermen before they follow Jesus.
15.Which discliple was tax collector before he came to Jesus?
16.Jesus discliple who betrayed him was.....
17.Judas Iscariot sold Jesus for ........pieces of silver.
18.What is a parable?
19.What is the meaning of the following parables
a.the parable of the two sons
b.the parable of Good Samaritan
c.the parable of two debtors.
d.the parable of the ten virgins
e.the parable of the talents
20.Jesus died on Easter.....
21.Jesus resurrect on Easter....
23.Jesus had.... discliples
24.Jesus discliple who is described as the rock is....
25.Name two discliples if Jesus who were nicknamed sons of thunder.
26.Why were they called sons of thunder?
24.Name any two Jesus brothers
25.Who was Jesus favourite/beloved discliple?
26.Which thief the Jews wanted to be freed?
27.Who buried Jesus body in a tomb?
28.What did Mary Magdalene saw in the tomb?
29.Who was the first to see Jesus ?
30.Name any two Christian religious artefacts
31.Name any two religious practitioners.
32.What is the holy book of Christians?
33.What does the word resurrection mean?
34.Name any two Christian festivals
35.Where did the discliple receive the holy spirit?
36.Which ceremonies Christians celebrate how God rescued them from the Egyptian
37.Who saw a burning bush
38.Who was given the ten commandments?
39.Where was Moses given the ten commandments?
40.How do Christians baptise in water?
41.Jesus began his ministry at the age of ....
42...... tempted Jesus in the wilderness
43.Who was the earthly father of Jesus?
44.Jesus was born at a place called...
45.God first created ......and.....
46.God told Adam and Eve to live in the garden of.....
47.Name any two Christian denominations
48. Name any three of ten commandments given to Moses by God
49.The other name for Matthew was......
50.Jesus ascended to.....leaving his discliple on earth
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