Monday, 25 October 2021


By Kudakwashe  Mupingashato



1 CHRONICLES  28 vs 3


God denied David the privilege and honor of building a temple for good reasons that David clearly understood. 

However, there are many situations in which smooth handover of power and responsibility in governments, work situations and even in church is almost impossible. 

David had a correct heart to build a temple for his God, however, there were limiting factors to do with his personality and conduct. 

He had been a warrior who had shed blood several times in his entire life. 

This disqualified him from doing an important task that his heart desired to do for His God whom he had served faithfully his entire life.  

This must have hurt him a lot. 

 However, we too may have done great things in the past in the name of our Lord, but there are situations and instances, when God may not allow us to do certain things of great importance. 

There are times when we are not qualified to do God's work. 

David understood and accepted this and prepared his son Solomon to takeover and do it as God had said. 

As local leaders sometimes we need to understand that we cannot be everything to God in the church. 

May God give us the grace to know that we cannot do all things in His ministry, just like we represent different parts of the body of Christ. 

May we learn to let others do it. 

Even though we may have done great and wonderful things in the past may we have the humility, decency and, hearts like David to hand over power or the next assignments to the next successor leaders without bitterness and prejudice.

Some people cannot handover batons in churches or family lines. 

Learn to let go of certain projects so that others can run with the project, just like Moses handed over to Joshua. 

You may have good intentions about them, but it is wise to allow the next generation to take over.

Some refuse to hear God and clutch on to positions, than to have divine eye - sight that their season is over and they are now unqualified to continue in ministry, except to hand over to the young and next generation. 

LORD help us to be like David who understood and did not fight GOD. 

David was a man of war and his season was due, he had to let his son Solomon build the temple as Solomon was a man of peace. 

There are reasons for not going through with certain decisions,  listen carefully and be humble to hear God. 

For David it was shedding of blood and fornication and that disqualified him. 

May be for you and me as leaders it may be one of these: gossip, slander, hate,  immorality, jealousy, destructiveness, pride know-it-all etc. D

All these may be 

disqualifying you from continuing in ministry.  

Step down and get to realise that this old life you once lived may have disqualified you from continuing with God's projects. 

Let go and pass the button. Have the long-term interests of the church at heart.

Kudakwashe Mpingashato is a health practitioner. He fellowships at Crowborough Salvation Army Corps in the Harare West Division.

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