Monday 1 November 2021

Diaspora Discourse

with Davison Muropa

I hear President ED is coming to the UK for the Glasgow COP26 and has gathered together an entourage of over a hundred delegates. 

The politics of it aside, this is indeed a time and opportunity for serious strategic reorientation and rethink. 

Kudzidza or kutsvaga ruzivo hakuna kuipa, actually ndoo zvinoita munhu akangwara. 

This strong delegation of many persuasions can indeed enjoy the sights of the River Clyde, but they must open their eyes to see, their ears to hear and their medulla oblongatas to understand and realise that this tour is not just for the sights; Glasgow is a lovely city indeed; but to get ideas how Zimbabwe can be part of the international effort to save this our planet earth. 

This Garden of Eden needs visionary tenderers. They do thega haiiite. 

Till next week, be blessed, be safe.

Davison Muropa is a Zimbabwean living in Birmingham, UK

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