Light On Monday
with Major Isaiah Motsi
(Gaborone, Botswana)
_For this is how God loved the world: that he gave his one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life._ (John 3:16)
I have seen an inscription; _'Doing the most good'._ This sounds packed with acts of kindness but, I will not fully subscribe to such a statement.
Doing good is generally an open cheque. Any one even a non believer is free to do good and, even the most good. But every act of kindness has a driving force. What drives you to do the good you do?
Some people give, not because they want to but, because they have to. There could be a condition to satisfy depending on how and where they acquired whatever they give away. If they stopped giving out their wealth may also cease to be. _That is giving out of conditions._ Others, however, may give in order to win people's hearts for a vote. _That is a political gesture,_ giving for fame.
Another category is of givers who do so because it is expected of them to plough back to the communities in which they do business. _That is giving under compulsion._
Christian giving must be driven by nothing else but love. The love of God and the love of Jesus Christ.
The John 3:16 type of love should ignite the desire to give. When God loved the world he gave his one and only Son, Jesus Christ. When Jesus came here on earth, he loved all people and so gave his whole life for the world. God gave his only son and Jesus gave his only life. Both are priceless acts goodness. _To what extent can your acts of kindness go?_
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