...... _as_ _Khanyisa_ _Baba_ _Album_ _lands_ _in_ _Zimbabwe_
_Album_ _Review_ _by_ _Dr_ _Tinashe_ _Gumbo_
Having starved his multitudes of fans for over two years due to COVID-19, Khulekani Ndlovu has finally released his fourth but very prayerful album entitled Khanyisa Baba. The album was officially thrown into the public domain on 6 November 2021 and has already found its place in many people's hearts, both in South Africa and in Zimbabwe.
For the past two weeks, I have been deeply reflecting on the new fourteen tracked album and I have concluded that, indeed, wine matures with age. I could feel some great improvements on the new product compared to the earlier projects by Powerwaves: 2012 (Sengifunukukhonza); 2013 (Qinisela) and 2018 ( _IOld_ _Model_ ). Below I share my personal opinion about Khanyisa Baba, the new album.
_Powerwaves_ _Group_
Powerwaves was founded a couple of years ago by Khulekani Majogwe Ndlovu. Initially, the group had five members who however disserted it due to some economic challenges of the day. Thus, Ndlovu had to rely on session musicians who backed him.
On Khanyisa Baba, all songs were composed by Khulekani, with Sithembiseni Sibanda of the Sisters of Paradise backing him. Tinamas (Tinashe), formerly with Ndolwane Super Sounds took care of the lead guitar alternating with Obert Obija. Tinamas also played the keyboards together with Lucky. Reader, you will note that keyboards shaped much of Powerwaves' music. I personally liked the way the keyboards were played to compliment the guitar. The new album was recorded at TK Studios.
_Khulekani_ _the_ _Man_
The Powerwaves frontman comes from Mashura area under Chief Bankwe in Mberengwa West. He did his primary and secondary education at Mashura Primary and Matabo Secondary schools respectively.
A trained teacher turned musician, Khulekani is currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa. A teacher remains a teacher as he doubles as a musician who is still attracted to the classroom.
Khulekani started his music career as a backing vocalist at the Black Africa group based in Harare then under the leadership of Owen Ndlovu from Plumtree. Now, Khulekani is the lead vocalist of note but he also backs others in some of his songs. He is also a keyboard player.
Reader, let me take this opportunity to declare my interests here. Khulekani is my cousin brother's son, the late Chemist Ndlovu, but, please understand me as I try by all means to be as objective as possible in my review of Khanyisa Baba. I suppressed all my other personal interests and here I present the best objectivism in me as far as reviewing products is concerned.
When I stayed with Khulekani some time in 2005 in Harare, I noted then that he was already interested in music. It is unfortunate that I did not support him. I remember very well that he would listen to Elias Shongwe's music for the whole day. When you finally listen to Khanyisa Baba, reader, you will surely pick some Shongwe flavour and that can only be legitimately explained by that background of the musician I have shared.
An unassuming man, Khulekani is a devout Christian who is ever smiling. This personality trait is visible to all who know him personally.
_Reconnecting_ _with_ _2018_
As I was trying to understand the message on Khanyisa Baba, I started by listening to _IOld_ _Model_ , an old car being described as reliable and very strong. The musician calls for his audience to honour his or her parents as commanded by the Scriptures. The audience is further reminded not to worship any other God except Yahweh. Loyalty to Yahweh brings blessings. I did not bother myself to try and understand why the album and title track was given that title. This was outside the scope of the current review.
_Then_ _Khanyisa_ _Baba_ _is_ _Here_
The album has fourteen songs. Listening to this long list of songs, reader, you will agree with me that Ndlovu should have reserved at least six or seven songs for one or two more separate albums. All the songs have the potential to become hits on their own. Khulekani overloaded the album! I would not want to say he "wasted" his potentially excellent two more separate albums. But I have already said it!
_Khanyisa_ _Baba_
This is the title track and potential hit. The singer appeals to God for mercy, deliverance and most importantly, for his way to be lit. As a Christian, Ndlovu prays to God for the fruits of his hard work. Here is a strong prayer for God to remove all possible obstacles from his way. Singing in his deep Ndebele he requests for his blessings for what he touches with his hands and wherever he travels to. Reader, grab your copy of this album and you will feel the presence of Yahweh in this song. So touching is the song that when I listened to it for the fourth time, I could feel some tears in my eyes.
Here the musician is complaining heavily to his friends and relatives who are not intervening in a situation where a close family member is tormenting his life. Thus, he now turns to God for protection where he requests Yahweh to send down his Angels to be his(musician's) bodyguards. Humanity has failed him and only God can help.
The audience is reminded in Delilah of the Biblical story of Samson and Delilah in the book of Judges where the power of women is exhibited in a negative direction. In a similar fashion, a man cries fowl after losing a lot of resources and dignity to a lady whom he had shared with all the secrets of his life. Now, the man is counting his losses. But the damage has already been done. Men are given strong advice against getting excited to the extent of releasing unnecessary secrets to their "temporary" lovers. These "lovers" should receive what is only necessary on "a need to know basis" otherwise they are "dangerous".
His name is Khulekani (be prayerful) and now he is requesting for prayers from his Churchmates. He is at his lowest. He feels very weak spiritually hence he appeals for prayers. The musician confirms that he only relies on prayer and nothing else in times like this. Things are not moving in the desired direction. More specifically, the musician indicates that he has been losing his relatives to death and this continues to drain him mentally and spiritually-he needs help-spiritual one for that matter.
Here the singer accepts any fate that meets him. Every situation, bad or good, he says "Ebenezer". For him, that is what God has allowed to happen. This is what has kept him going. At times it is enough to leave it to God than to pretend to be in control of the situation which is beyond human capacity.
Another prayer request is coming through the song Ubaba. A wife requests her colleagues in the Church to pray for her husband who has just changed in terms of character. Yet, she still loves him. Only prayer will correct the husband's behaviour. Wives are advised to turn to God when facing some domestic challenges. The wife in question did not consult Sangomas but she knew where the answer lies-in God.
Khulekani brings the marriage institution in the equation here. He argues that marriage is one of the most important institutions in life especially when one finds a partner who loves him or her, whole heartedly. Thus, the musician envisions the pending moment when his lover finally gets home..and it will be a joyous moment.
For me, Khulekani's talent is shown in Wendodana. The instruments, the message and the voice are well knit in this great song. I was also attracted to the way Khulekani made reference to his roots: Zenda; Mashura; Vugwe; Matedzi; Matabo; Mbembezi; Godhlwayo (Filabusi) and Silobela. He challenged the people from these areas to raise the name of God. Equally attractive to me, was is call to Ndolwane Super Sounds; Lovemore Majaivana; Sisters of Paradise and other legends to spread the word of God through their music.
Reference to these known places and music legends, will surely make this song a darling of many who associate themselves with the names mentioned here. I automatically became a friend to this song. Remember reader, on top of Leonard Dembo, I also respect Majie and Ndolwane. Furthermore, I am "patriotic" in the true meaning of the word (not the abused meaning), and hearing about my home places was enough for me to get to like the song.
_Zakhala_ _Iziginci_
The Powewaves group manifested its prowess in dealing with the music instruments in this song. The guitar, keyboards and the voices, confirm why the Biblical David danced until his mother complained. The message is simply about the power of the music instruments in conveying a particular message.
*NB* : Like I said, the album is overloaded hence I could not share with you my thoughts about the rest of the songs. I can only assure you that even the songs I did not sample for you, were excellently done. Well done Powerwaves!
_Powerwaves_ _Derserves_ _our_ _Support_
Khanyisa Baba is an album to listen to. You will surely feel spiritually refreshed after playing all the songs on the album. Let us support one of our own by buying the original products from Powerwaves.
To interact with Khulekani and for more information about the album and how you can access it, get in touch with him on WhatsApp/Call 0656812615 or Facebook: Khulekani Powerwaves Ndlovu.
For feedback specifically on this review: WhatsApp/Call 263 773218860 or email: tinashegumbo@gmail.com
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