with Major Isaiah Motsi
(Gaborone, Botswana)
_In times of your plenty_
_"But that is the time to be careful! Beware that in your plenty you do not forget the Lord your God and disobey his commands, regulations, and decrees."_
_"He did all this so you would never say to yourself, 'I have achieved this wealth with my own strength and energy.'_ (Deuteronomy 8:11,17)
Some people come short when it comes to remembering the Lord during the time of plenty when all gets well.
When God blesses you, and you become prosperous. You build for yourself good homes, you have large herds and flocks and silver and gold multiplies in your name.
That is the time to remember the Lord. Some become too busy to remember God. Some become the lords themselves and would not feel like bowing down to God the creator and the provider of all there is.
Some become proud and boast saying; _"I have achieved all this by my own making."_
The wise would remember the Lord and the wilderness that he led them through. For the Israelites they were never to forget the slavery they went through and the way out.
We all have our different hard times we went through, but the end result is that we came out and are better and even well up now. That is not by our own efforts only, God's hand was on it all, its still on our lives today.
Jesus actually promised to be with us up to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)
_So in the season of plenty be proud, only because he gave you all that you have._
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