Thursday, 18 November 2021

Murewa Files With Aaron Ipsani


Nohoreka Clinic hosted Baby Show for babies under the age of 0-5, at event held yearly in 

November sponsored by Blue Star. Lone 2019-20 were exempted owing to advent of coronavirus.

 The leitmotif of the Baby Show is to curb mothers on ensuing rules on baby caring by visiting 

hospital for baby apprises.

 The Show advocates for woman and young mothers need to join family planning by receiving 

counsel on how to knob the program.

 They (woman) receive counselling and education on various FP methods, diseases like cancer of 

the cervix, chronic, diabetic, malaria and stimulus to use condoms for safe sex, and clarification on 


 The babies to qualify for Show, mothers have to produce up-to-date Baby Clinical Card, healthy 

of baby and elegance on mother and baby.

 Stakeholders including local authorities, heads and health personnel graced the occasion kick 

started at 09.00. 

 Murewa Penitentiary band was belting it out with entertainment.

 An incentive of $20 and Hamper was presented to the winning baby, second $15 and third $10 

with Hampers respectively.

 The Church News, interviewed an herbalist on the sidelines of old family planning and curbing of 

diseases like cervical cancer to woman, Mr Tawodzera, commented on past cervical cancer and 

family planning said, "In time past as nuptial was sacred, traditional way was norm by hubby's 

parents when daughter-in-law first gravidity is nearly expecting. She go to her parents to be 

with African herb to ease delivery and to confess whether the pregnant is neither/nor 

for the men. 

 After delivery she is isolated from the world for certain period till the baby's womb drop and 

traditional rite to calm the womb is over, then the mother and baby are let-out and infant is free 

at the same time curative of cervical cancer and other integral diseases be guided by concoctions 

including brown okra. 

 The erstwhile woman were safeguarded from cervical cancer infection through traditional 

means. Today are fronting the consequences of delivery denied remedial to pave way for the baby 

escaping hassles due to lack of counsel by elders said Muzuva a traditional healer. 

 Tawodzera and Muzuva, both stumble to comment on disputes of family planning, they said, "It 

is a burning issue of partners who agree as of its sensitivity and not need remark.



Chigogodza business centre in Murewa west has come-up with modern structures at the centre.

 The centre is sparkling with modern silhouettes out shining Musami business centre with 

antiquated structures of early 70s. 

 Musami is lacking developmental plan from residents among utmost property owners died and 

left properties in the custody of descendants and leased to tenants. The rental is supportive to 

family of legatees thus, faltering in refurbishment. 

 Murewa Rural District Council is lazing on the issue of decrepit buildings at the centre. 

 Among eye catching structures remain few, others need spruce-up the exterior.

 Chigogodza business centre is 7km away from Musami along Cross-Marondera highway.

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