Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Strength For Today: Behold the Sovereign Lord

Submitted by

Blessing O. Murongazvombo 

1 Peter 3:22

"Who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him."

Have you ever gone through a series of challenges times so much that you think things will never work out for you.I am sure at one point in our lives we have gone through these situations or at least we know of people close to us who gone such times. In times like these it is very easy to get discouraged and think that its all over and worse still when people around us start gossiping that so and so’s situation is very bad I don’t think he or she will make it life. Today l want to remind you about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is seated at the right hand of God and has the final say about your situation. 

 Your medical report may be bad, but it's not the last word. Listen to what God is saying about your story. You may have struggled with an addiction for years, but God has the final word. You may have people who are trying to hold you back, but people don't have the final say. No disrespect, but neither the doctor, nor the banker, nor the financial planner is on the throne. Our God is above every authority , power and dominon. Jesus Christ the King of Kings  is more than the whole world being against you.

May the Lord help us not to stress about these challenges that we are going through May the Most High God who reigns over fiery furnaces and puts a hedge of protection around us. May we get into a position of thanking the Lord that we that are not at the mercy of anyone else or any situation we may be struggling with. He is above all situations and circumstances (He is Sovereign) May we believe and declare that what the Lord says goes. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Blessing Murongazvombo is a Zimbabwean based in France.

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