Monday, 8 November 2021

The Singles And The Church

with Thoko Siwela

7 Tips for Serving God in Singleness

Don't waste this important time in your life.

Singleness is more than lacking a person with whom to share life and love; it is a way of life that can be used to honor God.

Here are a few ways that singleness has a purpose in a Christian's life.

1. Grow closer to God.

Some people see singleness as a disease to be cured by books, sermons, and podcasts full of advice. 

These misguided attempts are part of the problem. All Christians, single or otherwise, should be focused solely on growing their relationship with their heavenly father. 

Single Christians have a unique advantage in this area because they have far fewer outside distractions than those who are married and have families. Use this time in your life to focus on studying the Bible, praying, and growing in your faith.

2. Serve others in a better way.

As a single person, you can devote more time to serving other people. 

Even if you have a job, college, or family concerns taking up time, you still have less people dependent on your time than your married or dating friends. 

Search out the people who need an extra set of hands or a loving, compassionate friend. Paul tells all Christians in Galations that we should not abuse our salvation and freedom from sin but to "serve one another humbly in love" (Gal. 5:13). 

Being single gives you an even better opportunity to practice this principle of service.

3. Go on a missions trip.

With fewer responsibilities for other people, single Christians can take fuller advantage of opportunities for missions trips. Going to another country, or even within your own country, to share the gospel of Christ while serving people is a great way to serve God through singleness. 

Short-term or long-term trips to serve people who need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ will give you a new perspective on your salvation and your singleness.

4. Witness to other singles.

What better way to use your singleness for God's glory than to witness to single friends who aren't believers? After all, single people will likely lend a listening ear to other singles more so than married or dating people. Being content in your singleness by God's grace is a testimony that will shine through to those people who need the blood of Jesus Christ to cover their sins.

5. Spend time praying about your future marriage.

While you're single, begin praying about the marriage you hope to have one day. Marriage is a sacred covenant, a promise made before God. Praying for a marriage that will be centered on God will allow you to be productive in your singleness and prepare you for your future spouse. By the time you have a spouse, you will have already been seeking God's guidance on how to love that person in a better, more godly way.

6. Get involved in a church ministry (or two).

Use your time of relative independence to get out there and serve in a ministry. Whether it is a ministry geared toward church members or an outreach ministry for the community, start devoting time to helping others through an organized church ministry.

7. Finally, practice unconditional love toward other important people in your life.

Marriages aren't the only relationships that require unconditional love. Family and friend relationships all require giving without expecting anything in return. You must be able to handle the disappointment that flawed humans will inevitably cause you without giving up on  them. After all, you will also disappoint plenty of people. Practice loving people without ifs, ands, or buts.

Thoko Siwela is a gender activist based in Bulawayo.

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