Tuesday, 16 November 2021


with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)

_You stand stronger_

_He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along._ (Psalm 40:2b)

When God takes centre stage in your life situation he strengthens you by placing you onto a fortified platform. 

He positions you on solid ground where you feel more secure and in charge. You trade all your worries and fear for faith and utmost trust in God. You feel infused with new joy and hope for a brighter tomorrow. 

With God's arrival into your situation, life gets a new meaning; you begin to love yourself and want to make life more productive.

Because God set you on a solid ground and got you composed, you are steady enough not to be moved or intimidated by the devil. You know your strength comes from God the All Mighty!. You know the one you have believed, your new and number one leader in your life.

Trust this God alone, never move from the rock that he set you on. Because all other ground is sinking sand, only grow your roots of faith deep into that solid ground he has set you on. As long as you are on that solid ground, no enemy will fight you and win. You are more than a conqueror. So fear not!.



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