Tuesday 25 January 2022

Burning the scroll because of the burning heart

By Rev Dr Kenneth Mtata 

25 January 2022

Today's Readings:

Psalm 119:89-96; 

Jeremiah 36:11-26; 

2 Corinthians 7:2-12

Verse of the day:

"When they heard all these words, they looked at each other in fear and said to Baruch, 'We must report all these words to the king'” (Jeremiah 36:16).

People tend to react to the same Word of God differently! When the court officials heard Baruch read Jeremiah's prophecy on the nation, "they looked at each other in fear and" resolved to "report all these words to the king". But when King Jehoiakim heard the words, he cut the scroll into pieces and burnt it. Why do people react differently to God's word? Why do others react with a burning heart seeking to repent and others get even hardened and act with contempt? 

One main reason is the arrogance that comes with POWER. When people have social, economic, and political power,  they tend to believe they can not be corrected. Sometimes they even act with blasphemy.

Even religious arrogance can make people to become too familiar and casual with God's word. They take it for granted. Instead of burning in the hearts, they  would rather burn the scroll.

One way to avoid this casual approach to God's word is to (a) set aside time to listen to God, (b) act on what it says. May God helps to do likewise.


God I thank you for your word. I desire to respond to it with repentance and action. In Jesus' name. AMEN

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