Friday 14 January 2022


with Elder Elico Manenji

The book of Genesis as written by Moses about two thousand years after creation is a record of God's creating life on earth and the atmospheric heaven. 

That God [Elohim], the plural form of God [Jehovah, Yahweh, Adonai] was the active force or power behind creation. 

When Elohim (God) created this earth and heaven, the earth was formless and lifeless, it was a huge, shapeless, objectless, tenantless mass of gaseous and solid elements commingled in non organized structure or animated form. 

The earth and atmospheric heaven were lifeless as the primordial matter of our globe existed in a fluid or liquid or rather molten form. 

So God [Elohim, Yahweh, Adonai] created this  mundane sphere with its diversified contents of mankind, animals species, plants species, aquatic and aquarium species, the shining and starry heavens, thus dividing the waters below from the waters above to create a space for the living things as he brought life on earth into existence. 

This beginning [bereshith] is not the beginning of the abode of angels or habitation of God, but of life on earth as Elohim, Yahweh spoke things by His Word into existence.

 _1️⃣Genesis 1:1-2: God is the Creator of all things is plural._ 

Creation is of God [Elohim, the Self-Existence God, Yahweh/Jehovah Adonai, God in three persons]. 

God is three in one, but each member has different functions not independent to the other but dependent on each other. 

The Spirit of God[Ruach Elohim] being the agent of all creative acts, whether of earth, nature or of the church, He brings life and new life into existence in connection with the Word and Light, for without Light there can never be life.


The earth was without form and void [tohu wabohu], indicating non existence, nothingness, shapeless, lifeless, unorganized and inanimate.

⤴️So, God brought life, first by His Word, then.sustained life second by bringing light. 

⭕Application to

 spiritual life:

I.Mankind without God is without order, exists in a state of spiritual ruin and confusion. 

Without God, mankind has no genealogy or history, they are disarranged and disorderly constituted (see 2 Corinthians 5:16). 

II. without God are without life, being dead in trespasses and sins, void without pure thoughts, pure emotions and holy volitions(see Ephesians 2:1).

III. Mankind without God is without Light,  shrouded in darkness, 

devoid of that true light which is from heaven (see John 1:9).

 IV. Mankind without the Holy Spirit [Ruach Elohim] is brooded in chaos, so we need the Holy Spirit to hover over fallen souls, to receive the Word and Light of God's Truth and order(read Isaiah 1:11).

 _Key Text_ : "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not"(John 1:1-5).

 _2️⃣Genesis 1:3-25:God created using the spoken Word_

⏹️That Creation was done in six literal days  in an orderly and fashionable way that promotes life. 

I. God produced light  by His powerful Word of God, approved and separated it from darkness to create time of a day.

II. Second He separated the waters into two separate bodies to create space or womb of birth between the waters. This became the atmosphere, the space occupied by the whole solar system.

III.Third God separated waters to produce the earth, He called the waters sea(abode of all aquatic creatures and dry land He called earth abode of all vegetative and animal species.

IV. Fourth God furnished the firmament/heaven with the illuminaries, the solar system, to divide the days and months and years.

V. Fifth God populated the waters and air by the creation of marine and winged creatures that have life [ nephesh].

VI. Sixth God the land animals and mankind in His own image and likeness.

Key Text: "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork. Day to day utters speech, and night to night shows knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them has he set a tabernacle for the sun"(Psalm 19:1-4).

 _3️⃣Genesis 1:26-31: God created mankind in His own image and likeness and appointed to them their diet, and food of animals_ 

Mankind was created different from the animal species. 

Mankind were created in the image of God, resembling God in body and shape which by reason of its beauty, intelligent aspect with an erect stature as God Himself. 

Mankind was created in the likeness of God, that is of soul and spirit and of intellectual and moral nature with ability to think and make decisions unlike animals.

Both animals and mankind were commanded to be fruitful and multiply as the new-created race was intended to occupy the earth, subdue it and have dominion over every other created species.

The Divine intention with regard to creation of mankind was thus to fulfill by His investiture the supremacy of mankind over all the other works of the Divine hand.


Then God gave to animals and mankind their appointed food, the herbs or vegetables and fruits, the corn and all the products of the earth were given them.for food. 

The animal world was given the produce of the earth as their food. God who created us, knows our nature and sustainence. 

The Psalmist says, "Your testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart"(Psalm 119:111). 


Elico Manenji


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