Friday 14 January 2022

Light On Friday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_So the Philistines filled up the all of Isaac's wells with dirt. These were the wells that had been dug by the servants of his father, Abraham._ (Genesis 26:15) 

Isaac was blessed by God. He had just planted crops and God blessed his fields and he harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted. (Genesis 26:12)

He became very rich and powerful, which triggered the hatred of the Philistines.

Apparently, Philistines have a history for fighting for one reason or the other. 

But now they were fighting a blessed person; obviously they stood a nil chance of winning this war.

Blessings come by God's favour and no one can change that. 

However, there are people who choose to be pained when someone is blessed by God. 

They will go to the extent of  trying to destroy and reverse the blessing. 

Imagine people filling the wells, the livelihood of a family with, not just sand but, dirt? There are people who enjoy filling other people's lives with dirt. 

There is a certain power attached to inherited property and, trying to work against it is like fighting against the wind; hoping against hope. You can never win such a battle.

Can you think of anyone who tried to grab by force any inheritance from its rightful owner and succeeded? Normally it would not  end well with that person. 

Let the deserving people enjoy their inheritance. They may be young, widowed or  powerless, the blessing belongs to them. 

As long as God is behind it be sure to pay terribly, someday, for grabbing it. Only time will tell. What belongs to Ceaser, let Ceaser have and and let God take what belongs to him. 

Trying to change or disturb that order is an application for calamity. So, be warned. Hating the blessed will never help you. 



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