Sunday 23 January 2022

Light On Sunday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


He explained to Rachel that he was her cousin on her father's side, the son of her aunt Rebekah. 

So Rachel quickly ran and told her father Laban.

(Genesis 29:12)

To make it in life you need some people around you. No one can live as an island. 

Oftentimes you need more than just people around you,  you need relatives. 

Though Jacob came to the watering point and met people, he still felt he needed to meet his relatives. 

So he inquired about about Laban.

As the adage goes, blood is thicker than water. 

Rachel arrived and Jacob introduced himself to her and that was the beginning of a new connection for him.  

Nowadays, social media has made connections so easy that the world has just become one global village. 

However, there still are many disconnected families out there. 

Feel challenged and like Jacob, take the initiative to introduce yourself to those relatives who do not know you. 

Many times I get this question which is very difficult to respond to; "Do you know me? or "Why don't you know me? I challenge you to take the initiative to introduce yourself rather than ask such questions.

That is what Jacob did, _"I am your cousin  on your father's side  and Rebekah your aunt is my mother"_ 

He outlined his immediate family tree which made Rachel to introduce him to the bigger family. If he had said; "Rachel why don't you know me" Rachel could have gone home and reported of a stranger accusing her of not knowing him.

With God leading him, the self introduction initiative led Jacob  to connect well with his relatives and an even stronger and bigger family was built. 

Take the initiative and ask God to lead you and seek to connect with your relatives. 

You may also discover your family fiber and who knows, bigger things may come out of such a move. 

It worked for Jacob. 



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